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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. the issue is that the boxtruck is meant to be dropped from the blackfish and have a parachute attached.
  2. This was our adventure on the way to cartels earlier. Enjoy the aids.

  3. i7 6700K Quad Pro
    Nvidia Geforce 1060 6GB
    2TB SATA Hard Drive
    240GB SSD
    16 GB Ram
    LIquid Cooling

    Good PC? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JBruesch
    3. bigPat


      na, its Nvidia. I know its a bit of an older model but it will run Arma3 and I can still record/stream with this setup with ease. Ive allready got it ordered on the way to my house. 

    4. Tazclap
  4. I want to bring back the dislike button just for you Doc! -1 Im done with you.
  5. http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/
  7. Alright everyone. Next update is in 11 units of time. Can confirm. 

    1. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      There is no 11 units of time,  there is 12 Units of time,  then there's soon,  then it's released.  11 -  1 don't exist :)  

    2. bigPat
  8. ETA on update ? ? ?
    12 units of time > ? <

  9. Anyone else like to see a girl with a big booty? I love it. 

    1. Not Important
    2. JBruesch


      Is he trying to hide the fact that he is still in the closet? :Kappa:

  10. So when can we expect the donation goal update and a new donation goal? Im excited to see next months rewards.

    1. Goodman


      "12 Units of time" - inb4 OS

    2. bigPat
    3. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      3 hours ago, Goodman said:

      "12 Units of time" - inb4 OS

      Damn you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigPat
    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      He said he's a Fuking legend. I'm no grammar junkie but that word isn't nearly as powerful without that C!!!! 

    4. bigPat
  11. can we get an update on the house situation? I want to start useing my house again without worrying about loseing it all. 

  12. Im selling some cop Gear to make room in my crates. 
    11 Stones, Cop Hat, Po Vest, and an MX with 10 Full mags.
    As well as an Abdera 2 Crater House.
    HMU if interested.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigPat
    3. silton


      is it the good hat that says "police" accross it?

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      38 minutes ago, Silton said:

      is it the good hat that says "police" accross it?

      Yes, that is what a cop hat is.

  13. @McDili how much do you think is needed for us to reach the goal? 

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      120-130 more i think

  14. I watched this whole video. @Phizx @SwiggitySwooty @Mystic @Alfredo FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE NOTES! ESPECIALLY MYSTIC YOU FOOK!
  15. Can we get a full list as to all the Items that will become accessable in the new armory? 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Those are still under discussion. After we have the final decision on what items are going to make it we will make them public. 

    2. bigPat


      noice. Thanks. For my gang and myself the main concerns are wandeing if people are going to be getting a crap ton of OP weapons like the Lynx and other weapons like that. 

  16. congratz to Tfo on winning GW. 

  17. HAHA, this roast was such a fail. Make yourself look like more of an idiot. I dont need to insult you anymore, your doing it for yourself. Thanks. billy, your perfect man. Great timeing. <3
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