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Everything posted by SystemChips

  1. Can't beat the classic
  2. I'm playing again boys. Catch me on civ or cop, trying to commit to cop this time around hmu whenever to play

  3. Been a while since last time I was on here, how is everybody? :)

  4. Well what I said is that it didn't improve my fps and I don't believe it's purpose was to improve fps. I didn't say anything about it not being an improvement as I have received no texture bugs so far playing with it. From what you said it doesn't seem that you didn't receive any fps improvements either, as fps was the only thing I was talking about. And most people I have talked to about it haven't received improvements in framerate either. Not trying to be rude or start flame but please read what I was talking about before you assume I am calling the whole update BS, as that is not what I said.
  5. Yeah I think people are making things up when they are saying they are getting more fps. I haven't gotten any better framerate and I'm pretty sure when people were still discussing it that someone mentioned that it wouldn't improve fps
  6. lol im not sure how you got that picture but atleast use the better one got that esports stance going on
  7. I just wanna let everyone know, servers can allow sound mods like this that are optional, and don't require you to download to join the server. At least I'm pretty sure.
  8. Definitely should be removed, for reasons that 2 shots is much more reasonable in my opinion but also, removing csats will allow people to have freedom to choose whatever clothing they want and not everyone only wearing one of the 4 clothing, Grey Fatigues Hex, Brown Fatigues Hex, CSAT Tanoa full ghillie or the retarded looking csat half ghillie. Removing them should allow a couple dozen outfits to be worn instead.
  9. Yeah we're gonna need a real roast thread not this. Not trying to catch a moderation for sizzling someone too hard
  10. Prison break was pretty good, one of the seasons was kinda boring though. Can't remember which one. Watch Narcos if you haven't seen it. Really good show.
  11. your lt that was right there probably broke the glass for you, which let you taze him. And he was using a mk1. Mk-1 > Mx.
  12. I just think that cartels are a place where gangs show off their skill, and the gang with the cartel on the server generally is the best gang that's on the server at the moment. I know you work really hard to try and make your gang wars as official and fair as possible and it is really good but I guess I just have a different view of the most skilled altis life player. I think cartels are the most fair place to fight because I don't think there is as many luck factors that come at cartels then at random cities on the map. Such as getting shot from weird places that you didn't know was possible, or getting pushed from a place you didn't know someone could come from.
  13. Because there was some QUALITY GANGS in this gang wars.
  14. I'm not really even mad about that, as I stated earlier I just wanted to play with some friends. But I am saying is complexity is a much better gang then MC. I'm saying this because the people who won gang wars are chatting too much shit when it really isn't a show of skill. When I won gang wars I never said as much shit because I'd rather wait till the real show of skill which is cartels. And my K/D was 8-0 but we're not gonna talk about that . I guess that makes sense, but I would say we could at least make room for best of 3 for the finals. Or maybe Saturday and Sunday wouldn't be too bad. I'm not sure.
  15. I guess if you want to judge a gang on their "skill to adapt to any environment" instead of their skill to attack/defend a cartel then thats fine. But I'm not sure if you can say you are really good if you shoot someone in the side or back from somewhere they didn't know because they have never played in that random place. That doesn't really take skill that takes you picking a random house and hoping someone comes in the direction you can shoot at them from. Most of the time people come in the direction anyway because they are bored since there is no ifrit or anything to make plays with. Also it's still a best of one. You should atleast have a best of three for the finals.
  16. You have to be insane if you think a Best of 1, in some random location is a "fair fight". Maybe if it was a best of 3 or 5 and fought at cartels. I don't understand why we dont have GW at cartels since those are where people go to fight everyday and I'd say knowing how to attack/defend the cartel is part of your skill. Cartels are the PVP part of Altis Life. Professional players for other games, part of them being skilled is knowing every part of every map. Also if that is true then there is definitely something up there that would also make me feel like it isn't a "fair fight"
  17. Idk about that but im saying the last time there was actually really fun fights on this server, where I actually tried, was when a bunch of TI members left and made complexity. Then the fights and shit talk between the two gangs were amazing and lots of fun. And if your implying when you say "even thought they arent anything to brag about", that complexity and TI members don't have any skill to back their ego and that MC is on par with those gangs then you really are another blind OS member who has never been to a cartel.
  18. means i had a really fun time with some buds, because sitting in houses in dp19 shows how good you are at the game LOL KEK
  19. Retards need to stop thinking they are big because they won OLYMPUS GANG WARS, dogshit mc players get stomped everytime they show up to a real fight. Every. single. time. MC members take this shit way too seriously, I played with my boys in TI because they all hopped on from league and h1 to have some fun on arma once again. MC bots are the only ones panting in their chairs/wheelchairs playing this game lul.
  20. why not just put brotherhood in there instead because apparently no reason to make a new bracket, but if you wanna make things more complicated.
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