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Everything posted by SystemChips

  1. Man was genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever met on this game and will remember him forever. RIP to a real legend fr
  2. Thanks for letting me borrow your Lamborghini the other day again that was awesome
  3. @Zurph I understand why you want only the top 3 gangs to get money and as it makes sense you guys are the best gangs and deserve to compensated as so. The main issue against this is that many other smaller gangs that can't reliably get a top 3 position will not show up if they won't get compensated at all. I can understand changing the percentages more to reward the top gangs more but I don't think I gotta argue more for why making only the top 3 gangs make money is out of the question. The only other option is make the initial pot bigger or reduce the amount of money people not in the top 3 make by a percentage and give that to the rest but I honestly don't know if that's needed
  4. That's what happens when there is 14 of you making up almost a fourth of the server
  5. now that its over what needs to be changed in malden conquest you cartel rats

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swrvy


      make money only split between top 3 gangs

    3. Masonn


      if you make it so only the top 3 gangs get money a bunch of gang won't bother turning up.

      The deck chairs at delta were kinda aids since you can't destroy them.

    4. billdroid


      also alpha was so dumb we should add like 3 big towers there

      put a sunken ship as bravo

  6. This is an understatement we could be playing stratis tonight for all we know Ideally if everyone could come back to this thread after conquest tn and let us know if we need more big towers or what to change that would be nice. Or message @Zahzi and he will refer back to us slaves as most of this map was made between 1-4 am across multiple nights during our overnight shifts where we start to get tired but zahzi keeps putting stimulants in our snacks that he feeds us like we are workers in a vietnam sweat shop
  7. shut down server 2 

    no one wants to play a half full server where they don't see anyone and is just gonna choose another server thats full and popping like asylum or GTA even though they have less players than us combined

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. vedalkenn


      25 minutes ago, Dealer said:

      its 9 on a school day go to bed bro

      thats healthy enough

    3. N7Zero



      doesnt care about EU players image.png.9100f7d4f167233b062b069db1f2be95.png

    4. Airborne


      Even the old server 3 schedule wont work as that was from like 2pm-2am and the servers are usually pretty dead until like 8pm-12am. 

  8. gonna miss you buddy accept my friend request on steam @Monks
  9. happy birthday @CHEESE1 love you hope you're having a good day

    1. CHEESE1


      Thanks system love u 2 homie

  10. in other words yes it is massively rigged but we still finna throw our money in the money pit
  11. Cop misses you too
  12. @Noahhh! really be the best contributor of olympus no lie
  13. Alexa play Legends by Juice Wrld Miss you buddy and your legacy will live on as for every new player will see the best olympus guide to date
  14. Remove betting and this man from ever posting on the forums again, case closed thank you.
  15. @Zurph needs that EVENT COORDINATOR tag in ts for these smooth moves Nice to see APD being able to partake in an event
  16. Change platinum pro to make it look better / more defendable @TheHeroNoob Hurd u, this shit trash af any suggestions?
  17. Bring back playboy hatchback
    I thought we were just getting new hatch skins not replacing our good ones for these not so good ones no hate to the design team tho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      The name of that skin is lost cause, which matches the theme well.

    3. Dicky


      System has a good point

      playboy > a car that you play checkers on

    4. monster


      barbie hatch

  18. selling valorant key starting auction at $20 hmu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Truthy
    3. Dicky


      I can do 2 stones

      its a joke dont ban me

    4. Lou


      ill give you a half eaten snickers bar

  19. @De Fuk happy birthday savage

    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      I miss this times sooo god damm much was a fun time i miss all of ya ❤️

  20. real ones know who the one black stick figure is
  21. 2016 Banger when MC had mass recruited
  22. buckie was the glue that held this server together, not like this fr the saddest o7 gonna miss u brother pls keep in touch
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