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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. I came here for a montage, not a god damn movie! Nice tage tho +1
  2. Time to chop broken down hatchbacks in kavala
  3. Happy birthday Cheesegrater :)

  4. Does this happen with just the ARCO? Does it happen with the zoomed in part of RCO?
  5. this is beautiful
  6. you're so fucking late haha
  7. Happy birthday Rambler.

  8. happy real birthday 3 rip

  9. So I bought FIFA 17. Definitely worth it. Graphics are insanely good, and the new journey mode is neat. I am comparing this to the last FIFA I played though, FIFA 12, so my opinion is a little over exaggerated.

  10. dropping quad bikes on kavala is truly the only useful purpose for it
  11. It's not like everyone on the server is going to the using a DMS. If you had a small percentage of getting them <10%, it could work out. considering there will be 7 cops min, and you can be attacked from literally anywhere because the walls are breakable by any police vehicle (pretty sure) won't be that easy. Maybe for people like you it'll be easy, because you've done the jails before, but a good amount of people weren't around then to be able to use that location. It'll take some getting used to by a lot.
  12. Why would you chop it? You could do so much fun shit with that
  13. I don't see a problem with sniper scopes tbh. Considering how hard it's going to be to rob that, the location is fucking aids, gotta get something useful out of it, not just some trashy cop gear. A scope like the DMS wont do much harm.
  14. why the hell do people want it as it is right now
  15. Should I get FIFA 17?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I bought every FIFA from FIFA 03 - FIFA 15 and then after that.. Just nah. Can't be bothered with it anymore.

    3. Augustus


      I dunno, that new game engine looks pretty sexy. New game mode looks really cool as well. I will buy it, considering I haven't bought a new FIFA game since 12' , just to see how they have come along

  16. Yeah, I agree. We need more diverse clothing options, considering more than half of rebels use Pilot Coveralls, GA, and Kitbag MTP. The only thing that is sometimes different is headwear. I've seen people use booniehats (What I use), sometimes the baseball caps, and some people, such as decimus, wear some weird blue bandanna. Recon Fatigues [MTP] should be added, as well as other things.
  17. happy birthday strafe

  18. I still don't understand how the SUV holds more than the off-road. If you compare the truck to the off-road, the size difference isn't even that big, yet the storage of the off-road isn't even half of the truck.

  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Mercury OS? Of course he gets a police rank.
  20. see, all we have to do is two police ranks, normal officer and chief and boom, practically impossible to be corrupt.

  22. they need to change all of them back to the original sounds. The police guns sounded so much better back then
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