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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Ill trade you a date with femboy fishing for it
  2. Theyre scared of what we could manage in the same call
  3. Taking bids on all 3 items


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      if u wanna fight me so bad you know what town im in bud. Why would i drive to KC to fight some ex arma admin.

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      im not wasting gas on some kid who cant afford to drive 3 hours


    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      lol "cant afford"

      more like cant be assed. Why would you genuinely think id drive 3 hours to fight some random i met on a arma 3 server? Cope harder.

  4. He scammed me for 80m i would only trust @ FaZ with large purchases
  5. 17 if lucien takes the day off to help the vigilante work
  6. 15 if you include me and @ buckie with our vigilante work
  7. meet me in the middle at 2m baby
  8. Hello olympians, today i was contacted by @ Ryan because he is aware of my superb graphic designing skills. He has requested to me make Olympus Entertainment merchandise. I have spent the past 8 hours of my day slaving away at these mock ups. Please give me feedback.


    1. Cory


      bro the hat made me die of laughter haha

  9. i have been personally admin abused by none other then @ destruct


    On a side note who wants to process me

  10. Good one kiddo, still gonna claim that you are your brother and not hawkg?
  11. pipe down hawkg u dickriding farrel is so weird
  12. i can vouch for farrel i bought all 278 mx tasers for 70m with no staff mm and i went first. also selling mx tasers for 500k if interested
  13. ive purchased all mx tasers
  14. Okay so we promote @ notsodank but not @ King (the best olympus mod)


    gz dank ❤️

  15. i can tell you i dont give a fuck about a virtual rank and i could care less what other peoples virtual ranks are. I dont know the kid in this video. Im telling you straight up facts because you came to forums crying hoping someone would agree with you.
  16. its pretty clear both of the people shooting were in the same spot, you guys come to his body on the same heli and the shots come from the same direction. The most id give you is that maybe you or friend was further up the hill while one of you were closer to the base of the hill. Either way thats about 250-300m away from drug dealer which i can guarantee you is not inside red zone. If your so certain it is you wouldnt have a issue posting your pov would you?
  17. I hate when i get banned for sitting 800 meters outside of redzone and killing people ! These staff are killing the server !
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