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Status Updates posted by Wong

  1. conggerwets @ maxg  and @ Benne  and gotta ing fito, prif ppg of you homirts 

  2. @ Grandma Gary , there will be consequences for not adding my square shades. Be warned. 

  3. @ Grandma Gary  I need my square shades. Please make someone put them in the item shop. 

    Ben Stiller Smiling GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

    1. Wong
    2. Wong


      Lock in boys and femboys, we need to make quota here. Bouta go work extra to donate some. 

  4. @ CaloomClark  Congratz on LT big boss, a well deserved promo. Enjoy!

  5. A new update but no goddamn Square shades... WTF. WE NEED THE SQUARE SHADES. I NEEEED THE SQUARE SHADES.

    Impeach This Is America GIF by Creative Courage

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      They also added Peltors as Glasses making me choose between my balaclava and cool headset 😞

    2. Lucien


      @ LULA 2022 - PT 13  there is a glasses and hat variant, blame sqf I am a drip enjoyer and added both

  6. The APD is cool. Come apply and hangout with the boys. We have cookies and stuff like that🙂

    1. ben-


      someone wants trainings

    2. welshy1


      ''The APD is cool''

      5 minutes later - The federal reserve is being broken into


  7. Why does everyone hate the APD so much. The boys in blue need more love ❤️ 

    1 like = 1 hug for the boys in blue

    1 comment = 2 hugs for the boys in blue

  8. Hi Venom I miss you, please make me a corporal again. Thanks.♿

  9. Yeah I stepped down later babes!



































    P.S. Fuck you @Pledge you suck ass and you were a lot cooler person before you became a massive brown-nosing power hungry bitch :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      usually only see apd as massive cockriding fags +1 respect for this one

    3. -dante-


      Hahahahaha anyone who @s pledge is good in my book 

    4. KrispyK


      jeeesus ilu wong

  10. Anyone looking to play some vanilla ARK?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arigato


      Yeah, I’ve had it installed for a month now and haven’t touched it

    3. -dante-


      If someone buys it for me I’ll punch dinosaurs 

    4. Apathy


      Ill play... You gotta be patient though since I have had it installed for around 2 months and havnt even started the damn game.

  11. APD Coin Flips or Riot

  12. In the long while that I have been apart of the APD I never thought I would make it to sAPD I want to throw a huge thanks out to everyone that helped me out on my journey through the APD. I look forward to be able to do the same for many others.

    1. Savage


      thats what badger said right as he got sergeant :Kappa: 

    2. Savage


      no hate intented just memeing

    3. Wong


      @Savage this is my way of +1ing you bud

  13. Goodbye @TheRealKyle its to bad you left but I will always remember the night you gave me corp. I can honestly say that you gave me my dream spot in the APD and I wont let you down I am going to use this great gift you bestowed upon me well. Thanks for everything man hope to see you around some time. O7

  14. Happy Birthday you thot

  15. @Jordan540 congrats on getting sergeant my dude :happygary:

  16. When you find your phone and log into steam only to find out that your game uninstalled :mellow:91ae0c1602b595c4da6e8807f151ce48.png

  17. That moment you get logged out of steam and then need the steam authenticator to log in but you lost your phone and it is dead and cant be called :mellow:


  18. When you see a helicopter and you have 900ping


  19. @Pledge and @Trimorphious congratz on sergeant it was well deserved :D

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