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Everything posted by Wong

  1. conggerwets @ maxg  and @ Benne  and gotta ing fito, prif ppg of you homirts 

  2. @ Grandma Gary , there will be consequences for not adding my square shades. Be warned. 

  3. @ Grandma Gary  I need my square shades. Please make someone put them in the item shop. 

    Ben Stiller Smiling GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

    1. Wong
    2. Wong


      Lock in boys and femboys, we need to make quota here. Bouta go work extra to donate some. 

  4. @ CaloomClark  Congratz on LT big boss, a well deserved promo. Enjoy!

  5. A new update but no goddamn Square shades... WTF. WE NEED THE SQUARE SHADES. I NEEEED THE SQUARE SHADES.

    Impeach This Is America GIF by Creative Courage

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      They also added Peltors as Glasses making me choose between my balaclava and cool headset 😞

    2. Lucien


      @ LULA 2022 - PT 13  there is a glasses and hat variant, blame sqf I am a drip enjoyer and added both

  6. The APD is cool. Come apply and hangout with the boys. We have cookies and stuff like that🙂

    1. ben-


      someone wants trainings

    2. welshy1


      ''The APD is cool''

      5 minutes later - The federal reserve is being broken into


  7. Why does everyone hate the APD so much. The boys in blue need more love ❤️ 

    1 like = 1 hug for the boys in blue

    1 comment = 2 hugs for the boys in blue

  8. Necro posting is against the rules. You will pay for this.
  9. Yes, the lethal icon covers the timer for the coffee so you can’t see it.
  10. Also the new timers for coffee/red gull are cool. But when you have lethals loaded you can’t see the coffee timer. Smh… just giving you guys some shit lol. All and all everything else seems to be running as intended. Nothing is broken
  11. you guys broke the stats page lol
  12. Sounds like a skill issue buddy. Plenty of ways to counter it, just gotta use the brain.
  13. Is the stats page bugged? I put 7 hours in the game at least yesterday and its only saying I put around 4, and the money stat hasnt been moving since 10 mil. It still shows 10 mill even though ive been over 10 for quite a few days.
  14. Yes of course. Thank you for your help!
  15. So I fixed it. Just wanna throw it out there how... I updated my graphics driver and cpu drivers. Its flawless now. I hate computers and how they work.
  16. So I found that I was random ping spikes. Will hold a steady low ping, it randomly jumps to 200-500. Gives me no message received or lags the fuck out for a min. Nothing has change physically with my set up. I dont have access to do a hard line to the router as its on the other side of my apartment. I use a little usb adapter for my internet connection. Its a Net Gear AC1900. Has served me well for little over a year and no issues. Just curious if anyone can help me trouble shoot what to do.
  17. So ive been getting back into arma 3 lately and for some reason after about 2 weeks of playing I am now consistently getting the "No message received" all the time. Just wondering if there is something I can do for this or not. My internet isnt hot shit and im the only one that uses it. Just annoying because it is so consistent now and happens all the time.
  18. Hi Venom I miss you, please make me a corporal again. Thanks.♿

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