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Jeff Chaplin

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Everything posted by Jeff Chaplin

  1. I come back to the server and you leave I CRI EREY TIME <3 gonna miss you mang, have fun at college and remember don't be silly wrap your willy
  2. What server?
  3. @Jordan540 Ask him yourself
  4. I have clear evidence of our very own Seargent @Jordan540 using hacks on Olympus Please Ban immediately I am happy to fill his spot as Seargent UPDATE : More proof, bottom left corner
  5. Hate to burst your bubble but there is a limit by default I believe it caps you at 15 keys?
  6. Very true I at one point had to force myself to stop playing because I was becoming so addicted to this server
  7. Do you guys ever think that maybe Hitler was just dreaming of a white Christmas?
  8. Did you just call Arma shitty then say that DayZ is becoming playable? DayZ is about the worst game I have ever played it literally is nearly unplayable with the amount of issues it has and it's taken them 3 years to get it to go where it is which is not far at all for 3 years that games a piece of shit
  9. Doubt you even get 3 mil for it maybe 1 mil
  10. He is part of everyone you mongle
  11. I don't much care for them either but this post is about the most autistic thing I've ever seen. can we get a lock / delete @Talindor @McDili
  12. @Fat Clemenza you are the man and an awesome cheif see you around!
  13. +1 pleaseee
  14. Mxc I think
  15. any tax for owning a shed?
  16. It's helpful when they don't crash my game Everytime I get within 50m of it
  17. Deal I'll pm you my TS we can chat more tomorrow
  18. You still interested if it's S2?
  19. make an offer mang Oh I forgot to mention this house is Server 2
  20. Hey-o I have a house for sale within the anti air zone at backwater Perfect for storing BW gear or keep some titans handy https://gyazo.com/5c5adb191915f7f4ee83d78c42474ca7 Post offers below
  21. Yes this is a great idea +100000 It'll encourage people to fight cartels more
  22. Orcas can lift teir 2 to teir 4 turbo box trucks you need to put the slings on the truck while it's unlocked hover over it and click right CTRL +B for a sling assist and line up the cross hairs then Scroll wheel and click hook (Clicking B to drop the slings does not work on Olympus)
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