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Everything posted by BananaHammock

  1. Not the location to do so. Submit an APD application at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and explain why you think you're mature enough for an age exception.
  2. What happens if other officers join in a situation while you're on your second solo wave? Do they still have to go for 2 waves? Or does the waves that have already been done count?
  3. @hawk Ohhhh god...




    Congrats  ^_^

  4. Nice time-capsule I just came across...


    1. SPBojo
    2. Ryan


      "Active Admins" lul good meme amirite @Drama

  5. Awwwee, would you look at the time, I can't, no one can, scrub.
  6. @decla For you achievement, I award you one Crumpet, and one Tea. You're welcome.:o7:

    1. Christoph


      will drink to it thanks man 

  7. Welcome, don't listen to the guy above me, he pays people to do naughty things! ^_^ Luv u @RubberDuck
  8. Boutta' rake in tha dough!! Enjoy the Purge everyone!! ^_^
  9. That's what Civ is for, go on there and clap some kids. It's best if you don't whine after something gets denied, let alone whine publicly.
  10. Then move on. Making public posts about how your comp. request was denied will be a surefire way to ensure it doesn't get accepted.
  11. If you'd like compensation, you need to submit a comp. request. Nothing will come of you posting this on the public forms.
  12. @thedoc @SPBojo Hmmmmm, I just created a poll my self, and there ins't a way to get an IP(in the free version at least) but you can see very precise locations of where people have voted. So imma not vote, thanks! For those of you who voted and are wondering, this is what any and all can see now;
  13. @genesis First of all, you have no taste, second of all, you're lying...
  14. @Grandma Gary I personally owned a Vive, and my IRL friends have the Rift, from what I'm told the Vive "makes the view a little blurry" (not enough to be noticeable) so you cannot distinguish the pixels, compared to the Rift. Other than the above they're basically the same, one is a little bit more expensive. (Plus the Rift's controllers look stupid.) But but bu- ur name is FAKE GRANDMA!!!
  15. Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^
  16. Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^
  17. Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^
  18. Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^ Using the post to EXPLOIT my content count ^_^
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