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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. I'm placing my bet on the drunks. We all know that when people are drunk they don't feel pain. They'll end up tanking like 8 shots. Thanks. What are the boundaries though? Cause both those caps can be roached from over 600m
  2. One more question. Has the location been announced for this? Or do we learn the day of.
  3. Yeah I just noticed they we're missing. That's not fair...
  4. FUCK YEAH!! Edit: Wait when did the bracket change? I thought Tree started in second round? Edit 2:NVM just read that gangs dropped out. Ignore this
  5. Oh... ok. My bad.
  6. As far as I'm aware, I don't think it's been stated how much it goes down per item sold. Jesse, the lead developer, would know more about this as he's the one who coded it. If I had to guess, there's probably some equation to figure out how much the market will go down for that product and how much other items will go up. If it is an equation, then it probably becomes more complicated then simply saying, the price goes down x amount per item sold.
  7. ENTER
  8. That's all I pictured as happening if it was added.
  9. Congratz @Grandma! I knew you would eventually get it. Now I don't have to get helis out as much!

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Thanks dude <3 . Pffft think ima pull my own? 

    2. Dangus


      Yes. Yes I do. :) I better see you on in a few hours.

  10. I will say, I don't think this is the reason. Most times after federal events, a cop follows the group to the rebel and the situation stays the same, and therefore lethals are continue to be allowed. Second, with the recent rule update which makes it so if someone gets lethaled at rebel they can come right back. This is the counter to that rule update.
  11. I like this change a lot. When notifying a member of the opposing party, will you explain what exactly is being done, or just the fact that you are superseding the handbook?
  12. Congratz @Falcon on Sgt. Good luck

  13. @TheCmdrRex Congratz on dep chief. You got big shoes to fill, and don't leave your other rats behind!

    @OutCast congratz on Lt.

  14. Just stop. NLR is staying and if you don't like that And go to Now that we've solved this
  15. You guys need to chill out, argue over pm's. No one wants to see you two having a hissy fit.
  16. Dili is taking one for the team. Lots of respect for doing that.
  17. I'm confused now. Did you pay $25,000 or nah? I feel like I may have just been baited.
  18. No . . . Fucking . . . Way . . .
  19. When I saw the title of this post, I knew before even reading this, that somehow it would relate to fucking someone.
  20. Happy Birthday @Aunt Jemima!!!!!!!!!

    1. ItsGG


      thanks fammmmm <3

  21. Gotta love when the APD wins again. That armed huron was fun to fly while it lasted


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryan


      1 minute ago, kev said:

      wish I could respawn every 30 seconds with a full loadout

      ex dee

    3. Dangus


      I smell salt in the air. And we didn't alter any server rules, cause it's part of the rules. Besides you guys had an armed huron and we had one senior with us AFTER you left BW with the huron.

    4. Africa


      gi joe motherfuckers i rob your bosses next time they in kavala

  22. I second this as peter is indeed gay.
  23. @hadi mokdad Happy Birthday you mother trucker bitch!!! Go get some girls and have some fun you oil industry rich fuck!


    For real have some fun though.

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