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How has the apd deteriorated to this level of shit

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Cadet sw9ry needs to be trained to listen, and take notes more than running his mouth and causing problems. The Apd used to listen to your claim and bargain with you now all they do is search seize and ticket you no ands ifs or buts. Honestly there needs to be disciplinary actions taken against people who cant rp a situation with reason of course. The PD has gone through ups and downs and quiet frankly this is rock bottom.

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8 minutes ago, LARRY823 said:

Cadet sw9ry needs to be trained to listen, and take notes more than running his mouth and causing problems. The Apd used to listen to your claim and bargain with you now all they do is search seize and ticket you no ands ifs or buts. Honestly there needs to be disciplinary actions taken against people who cant rp a situation with reason of course. The PD has gone through ups and downs and quiet frankly this is rock bottom.

tbh no point bringing up stuff like this on the forums. people don't care what you have to say, they'll just hop on the mob mentality bus and say you're triggered, salty etc.

shit won't change my dude.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, LARRY823 said:

Cadet sw9ry needs to be trained to listen, and take notes more than running his mouth and causing problems. The Apd used to listen to your claim and bargain with you now all they do is search seize and ticket you no ands ifs or buts. Honestly there needs to be disciplinary actions taken against people who cant rp a situation with reason of course. The PD has gone through ups and downs and quiet frankly this is rock bottom.

oh shut up if you have a problem make a report ask to talk to a mod get their opinion but dont make a senseless post 

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Just now, LARRY823 said:

PLATINUM stfu this should be everyone's concern 

As much as I appreciate the fact that you want situations to be role played as much as possible, sometimes listening to somebody's story is not always necessary, for example if they just shot 3 policemen, why would you listen to their story? You would simply process them. Granted MOST situations should be role played to their maximum, but it can be situational. Furthermore posting things like this on the forums is not going to help yourself, you are better off speaking to their Sr. APD representatives so that they can speak to the individual if necessary. If you wish to follow this up further I suggest you make a support ticket.

  • Like 6
9 minutes ago, LARRY823 said:

PLATINUM stfu this should be everyone's concern 

Yeah platinum. You tell him larry!




One person may not RP with you and hes a cadet (Deputy). If you ask for a higher up you can get one. If they do not let you then report them. RP for someone is like common sense, some people have great RP and some have none. Welcome to Olympus

51 minutes ago, McDili said:

>mfw let a cadet paint you a picture of the entire APD.

he is a bit salty but the problem is "robo copping" is only frowned upon. but is it really a problem? I don't really think so. some situations call for it. but the minority of people who abuse the fact you can do it is what sucks. people only post about the bad experiences with apd and this is the most disliked thing. never has someone come on to the forums to praise us on a daily basis. only flame

1 minute ago, Vincent Jacobs said:

he is a bit salty but the problem is "robo copping" is only frowned upon. but is it really a problem? I don't really think so. some situations call for it. but the minority of people who abuse the fact you can do it is what sucks. people only post about the bad experiences with apd and this is the most disliked thing. never has someone come on to the forums to praise us on a daily basis. only flame

idk. one of the big issues with APD is the rules of this community make it so easy to hate them. Infinite respawns with no NLR? Check. Good luck doing anything with 1000 meters of an HQ. Tazers that can be shot from hundreds of meters? Check. Good luck providing overwatch for your gang. Ability to taze someone numerous times from far away without restraining them? Check. Again, good luck providing overwatch. Once you're spotted, you're fucked. Don't follow the speed limits? Check. Ya'll always blasting around in your hatchback sports.

Majority of these things aren't the members of APD's fault, I will give you that. Really the only one that is is speeding, but tbh who doesn't want to go 350 so I can't blame you for that. It's more so that cops have the ability to be so powerful that it's hard to look at them in anything other then a harsh light. You can have a gang of 8 guys get taken down by 3 cops because of the old saying, "Throw enough shit at a wall and eventually it'll stick." Just keep throwing cop bodies at them, provided they're close to an HQ, and eventually you'll get all of them.

I know the rules are sort of needed, due to the imbalance of APD and Civ, but you have to expect with the way the rules are that people aren't going to be praising your wonderful organization. :P

Owwwwww Myyyy Gawwwk i was sent to jail cause a cadet said i was a serial killer , Corporal moob please fix

  • Admin
3 hours ago, Zealot said:

idk. one of the big issues with APD is the rules of this community make it so easy to hate them. Infinite respawns with no NLR? Check. Good luck doing anything with 1000 meters of an HQ. Tazers that can be shot from hundreds of meters? Check. Good luck providing overwatch for your gang. Ability to taze someone numerous times from far away without restraining them? Check. Again, good luck providing overwatch. Once you're spotted, you're fucked. Don't follow the speed limits? Check. Ya'll always blasting around in your hatchback sports.

Majority of these things aren't the members of APD's fault, I will give you that. Really the only one that is is speeding, but tbh who doesn't want to go 350 so I can't blame you for that. It's more so that cops have the ability to be so powerful that it's hard to look at them in anything other then a harsh light. You can have a gang of 8 guys get taken down by 3 cops because of the old saying, "Throw enough shit at a wall and eventually it'll stick." Just keep throwing cop bodies at them, provided they're close to an HQ, and eventually you'll get all of them.

I know the rules are sort of needed, due to the imbalance of APD and Civ, but you have to expect with the way the rules are that people aren't going to be praising your wonderful organization. :P

and again people getting upset is because of stuff like tazing from afar and no nlr. those things are in the server rules. you cannot hate the majority of cops for a rule that was made by 1 chief and several admins

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