Sociopathic 717 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I think cops should have to RP more, or atleast go through RP training to become a "Cadet", there's nothing more annoying than trying to RP with a cop and putting a lot of effort into it, just to hear "I dont beleive you" and that be the end of it, its gotten to the point to where I dont request higher ups because I need to complain about an officer, I request higher ups so I get some half decent RP, im not looking to argue my way out of my charges every time, but atleast put it some effort instead of just brushing what I say off. I have over 17k minutes on cop and I never understood why people who hate RP or who dont bother to RP actually become cops, there are people who I've seen who just treat it as a money source and nothing else, I'm not gonna call anyone out on it, I'm just simply stating it'd be nice to have RP training be a standard. TL;DR Cops need to RP more. 8 Link to comment
TheRealKyle 1232 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 TL;DR: Record and Report. literally 90% of civ's i try to rp with either give me stupid story's that i hear every day or want to try to rp out of 25 manslaughters. "shit dude i lose my keys a lot and have to pick my car" "dude i have an illegal weapon now but i swear 9 of my manslaughters were with a protector all in self defense" Give good rp, get good rp back, its not that hard. 7 Link to comment
bigSMOKE 924 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 awhhhhh shit they didn't they you keep your hunting practice rifle? all because a black fish tried to rob you and you had to fend off 25 criminals fuck cops Link to comment
Dangus 629 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I like it. Cadets a lot of times are newer to the server and don't know much rp or even how to. I think a once a week on the weekend rp training should be a must. They need to learn the basics of rp, and some small tips to handle people who give the shitty rp or who just scream they're gonna report you. 1 Link to comment
RambleR 1138 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Teaching people how to play the game >.< RP is so open ranged it can be endless training. RP comes from experience and COMMON SENSE. Class dismissed. 10 Link to comment
Sociopathic 717 Posted January 4, 2017 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 45 minutes ago, papi goggles said: awhhhhh shit they didn't they you keep your hunting practice rifle? all because a black fish tried to rob you and you had to fend off 25 criminals fuck cops English? 25 minutes ago, RambleR said: RP comes from experience Hard to get experience when your entire counter argument to any story on cop is "I dont believe you" 47 minutes ago, TheRealKyle said: TL;DR: Record and Report. Aight, let me go get half the police force removed. 1 Link to comment
Sonny Asif 495 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 The cops will and do rp, as long as it is not shit like, how did you get my name, how do you know that type of shit 1 Link to comment
TheRealKyle 1232 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 5 minutes ago, Sociopathic said: Aight, let me go get half the police force removed. don't fucking complain if your not willing to do anything to help fix it. 1 Link to comment
Sociopathic 717 Posted January 4, 2017 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Just now, TheRealKyle said: don't fucking complain if your not willing to do anything to help fix it. I'm just saying some basic RP training would be nice, I'm not gonna go around reporting every cop that doesn't RP cause I don't wanna be the guy that gets a cop removed cause they are having a bad day and robo copped me, or processed me fast without much RP because he thought my gangmates would attack to save me, I'm just pointing out that a good chunk of lower ranking officers would much prefer just speed through processing than to actually RP with you (with some exceptions of course). Link to comment
bigSMOKE 924 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 9 minutes ago, Sociopathic said: English? Hard to get experience when your entire counter argument to any story on cop is "I dont believe you" Aight, let me go get half the police force removed. English? you dumb or what? Link to comment
Sociopathic 717 Posted January 4, 2017 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 4 minutes ago, papi goggles said: English? you dumb or what? Do you really want me to go pointing out all the problems in your illiterate post? "" Link to comment
Sir_Issac 16 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Yeah the lower rank cops RP is usually shit but usually the OS cops know how to get it done. Go olympus Staff!!!! You guys are the best to be arrested by Link to comment
Dangus 629 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Would be nice to have a once a week rp session. Maybe 30 minutes or 45. Would be nice to see them get a little bit of guidance. they shouldn't get much because part of getting promoted is 1. Knowing rules well. And 2. Being good at processing, which means they need to have some ok rp skills during processing. Link to comment
Guest Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Just out of curiosity, what was your RP Socio? What didn't the cop believe? Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 2 hours ago, Sociopathic said: Hard to get experience when your entire counter argument to any story on cop is "I dont believe you" If he says he doesnt believe you and doesn't try to find a different loophole then you clearly need a better story... 46 minutes ago, DANGUSDEAN said: Would be nice to have a once a week rp session. Maybe 30 minutes or 45. Would be nice to see them get a little bit of guidance. they shouldn't get much because part of getting promoted is 1. Knowing rules well. And 2. Being good at processing, which means they need to have some ok rp skills during processing. 1) Nobody would go 2) Nobody has time to host that 2 Link to comment
Mr Liam 37 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 To be perfectly honest I have found this issue to be a constant from Derp to Patrol Officer. Most Hurry along Processing, Troll, or just flat out ignore you. Yes you can only hear, "I lost my keys and had to lock pick my car", so many times. But how can you keep RP fresh when you don't know what ANYONE ELSE in your position has already said. I for one have a half decent defense to Lock picking that most Corps and higher will OK and as a Vigi I carry Lock picks and normally don't get charged unless I have a grand theft or attempted grand theft. Even then though I play my card and NORMALLY I can get off from the charge. But PO's and Derps don't normally RP and will ignore you, list, then ticket. This is 80% of my experience with PO's and Derps. Most Higher ranks will spend 2-5 minutes TALKING even if they know a large group of very angry Rebels will be coming soon. Sorry TD;LR: I support this movement as a Civilian who has said since he started here Cops need more RP training. Whether the RP is bad on either end Cops should take the higher road in RP servers. Link to comment
Tman15tmb 1902 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I suggest doing what @NiNo Brown does. Say you don't talk to police, remain silent and avoide the frustrating of having to deal with the police haha. 2 Link to comment
PoptartRex 3294 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I suggest doing what @Tman15tmb does. Approve a trial by combat 1v1 with a 1.6 million bounty and lose. 5 Link to comment
Ajax 645 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 4 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said: I suggest doing what @Tman15tmb does. Approve a trial by combat 1v1 with a 1.6 million bounty and lose. Shouldn't you be in school? 1 Link to comment
Guest G.O.A.T. Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I've been here for awhile, back when I first joined the APD they tried doing RP trainings and it accomplished pretty much nothing. Like Rambler said, how you learn to RP is through experience and watching others do it. Kyle also hit it on the nose, got a problem with an officers RP? Send in a video. I personally review 98-100% of the disciplinary reports that come in and will generally speak to the officer involved EVEN IF they aren't getting in trouble. Link to comment
Isaac Newton 1983 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Any time I'm arrested, I know I'm caught so I'm straight forward with the officer who is processing me. Generally when you are relaxed and not trying to make up unrealistic excuses for murders and thefts and shit, everyone even the officer tends to be more relaxed. He/she knows they are getting a ticket so they ease up and have a little more fun and RP more. Basically just relax, RP that it is really happening and talk sense. Be cool to the arresting officer and he will be cool with you... If not well... Dont get arrested? 5 Link to comment
En1gma 175 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 Huh? Link to comment
Dangus 629 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 2 hours ago, McDili said: Just out of curiosity, what was your RP Socio? What didn't the cop believe? Not socio... but, I have an idea as it has happened to me, or I've experienced the I don't believe you story. Prepare to read an essay. I wrote this and realize it's really fuckin long. several times I've been detained by a constable or cadet, and in these situations I have been in a good mood and rp some more. I was driving through Kavala, over 100k bounty, no cop kills, 3 manslaughter, and other crap. I had just respawned to my house and grabbed the loadout I had. As I'm driving by I see a cadet and constable. A corporal was nearby, as I'd seen him a couple minutes earlier. I had rebel clothes and a mk18 and drove to hospital. While im healing the constable and cadet come to hospital, I saw them coming and put my gun in my car quickly. They come in and go to get healed, using good rp not to engage me. I hop in my car and put my gun in its slot. Then a rook-banger comes up and engages me loudly. If the cops were closer I wouldn't have hopped out and shot him, but they weren't that close to me. The cops start running over but I had already hopped out and started shooting. I killed him and the cops engaged me and I surrendered as I had to reload anyway, and wouldn't win the fight cause they were on opposite sides of me, and I also saw the corporal rolling into hospital. they bring me to HQ, and check my licenses and search me. Before they seize my gun, which technically is illegal, I ask that it not get seized, since I willfully surrendered and used it for self defense. I admitted to two of the previous murders, and told them that the third original murder was crossfire and that the guy ran in front of me as I was shooting a guy. The corporal came in and started listening, but didn't say anything other than telling the cadet to do what he wants. I ask to get two murders taken off and to keep my gun since I had only used it for self defense of that one guy. I rp' my respawn as I had just gotten into my summer home in Kavala, and was about to go hunting in the north woods, and was meeting up with my dad. and that I reside in Sofia for the majority of the year. (Sofia is vx'). The cadet then asked what happened at hospital, and I explained exactly what happened and I explained the guy came up with his gun, engaged me, and because they were too far away to react quick enough, so I shot him. He was about 15 meters away at hospital on the other side of the glass, impossible he couldn't have heard me. But no... in HQ he says that they were running to leave the hospital, and they heard someone engage someone else, but apparently since they can't prove that the guy I killed was the one who engaged me that I couldn't get that reduced. I said, "if I killed him in cold blood, why would I voluntarily surrender and not put up a fight." Btw, corporal still hasn't said anything or moved, when I asked to speak to him directly, he didn't respond and instead just ran out of the room. The cadet says the corporal was busy and didn't care. The cadet says, whatever bro, I'm seizing your gun since it's illegal, and I sighed but knew that he can do that. I ask if I can get some charges dropped. I quote cadet: "I don't give a shit, and now I'm gonna have the corporal add as many charges as possible because you're resisting me and not being compliant". They add all they can add and because they didn't value my 15 minutes of rp and truth, I didn't pay the ticket. Before I got sent to jail the cadet says see you later douche. I messaged the corporal about this unnecessary use of vulgar language, and the corporal says shut the fuck up, you're annoying. fuck this is like an essay, apologize for that, but yeah... cadet just didn't value rp, and didn't really acknowledge things that I told him, he just dismissed everything and continued. Hope this provides some insight as to how processing happens when seniors aren't on and cops just don't rp at all. This is type of thing has happened quite often, once every three times I'm caught. It's really irritating, especially since when I got trained, I was told to always try and give them the benefit of the doubt if they work to provide solid rp and if they didn't harm cops or anything like that. I've tried to always follow that guideline. Seeing the cadet just not rp, and just listen and ignore me was just frustrating. Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 1 hour ago, TheCmdrRex said: I suggest doing what @Tman15tmb does. Approve a trial by combat 1v1 with a 1.6 million bounty and lose. Yeah, worked well for us Link to comment
Muthinator 3064 Posted January 4, 2017 Report Share Posted January 4, 2017 I don't always play cop, but when I do I RP the shit out of it. However, to me RP comes before processing occurs, not during. Processing should simply be an explanation of charges and an opportunity to bail out if your charges allow it. RP should transpire during the initial stop. Call me crazy but I treat it a bit like real life to a small extent. The only time I reduce charges is when people are cooperative. The moment you decide to fight or flee you get the book thrown at you. I would say those with high bounties are treated the same way but I wouldn't know. No person with a high bounty ever goes without a fight. Also, why should a person get a break after they are combative or if they have multiple high profile charges? If you commit the crime expect to do the time. If you fight don't expect to get any leniency, or for the cop to care about how cool and elaborate your story is. I let people talk but if they fight, flee, or they have a high bounty they are getting the full boat. 11 Link to comment
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