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The Jets update

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This update has changed flying helis and planes and made it autistic as shit for me, I can barely hot drop as it was before the update but now..... I was hoping if anyone knew if there was a way to revert to the old settings or is it just the game mechanics and we are all fucked? If its the game mechanics, is there a way to remove the update from Olympus and go back to the older version?

Hopefully I'm not the only one affected by this update.

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1 minute ago, Aunt Jemima said:

This update has changed flying helis and planes and made it autistic as shit for me, I can barely hot drop as it was before the update but now..... I was hoping if anyone knew if there was a way to revert to the old settings or is it just the game mechanics and we are all fucked? If its the game mechanics, is there a way to remove the update from Olympus and go back to the older version?

Hopefully I'm not the only one affected by this update.

Yeah I think BI really screwed the pooch on this one.  Knock on wood that there's a hotfix in the next day or so.

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15 minutes ago, Muthinator said:

So it just messed up the 3rd person view?

yes, its the same but the camera moves in the directon that the helis going and you cant pull up and lose speed instantly anymore


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9 minutes ago, Serpico said:

If you use free look you don't have the camera lock.

It lets you look around (so does trackIR) but by no means makes things look/work like they did before.  After flying around a bit tonight I'd say it's not unplayable but it's not the same experience and the jumpiness of it sorta ruins it a bit - total visual whiplash when trying to land, etc.

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Also they broke GPS's and I hope accidentally replaced them with the what is meant to be in jets and other aircraft vehicles, the panel shit. I hope they send out a fix tonight or within the week, the beta was so good, then they sent out the actual update with all this unnecessary shit.

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flew for the first time and wanted to puke,, the movement of the ground and sky when doing anything and always moving makes you feel like your on a ride at the carnival.. i hope they fix it or ill be driving all the time. bifolcals and this new patch doesnt play well together.



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1 hour ago, Jesse said:


I haven't even seen a difference in flying? I always fly holding down Left ALT and it looks fine?? Maybe its because I didn't purchase the Jets DLC... idk


It made it so that when your heli moves in any direction so does your camera, even when freelooking. Like if you were to nose down in the heli the camera would look down to the ground. It is pretty much unplayable for me.

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