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The higher you get in the apd ranks the worse you get

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Just now, warpoints said:


your point is sorta really dumb, if you shoot some one in the toe it is going to hurt them just as much as shooting a naked guy with shoes becaus they don't have any protection. it would make a difference if you have CSAT's on

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1 minute ago, Dr muffin said:

your point is sorta really dumb, if you shoot some one in the toe it is going to hurt them just as much as shooting a naked guy with shoes becaus they don't have any protection. it would make a difference if you have CSAT's on

what im saying is when i shoot a PO in the foot with an mk1 he loses half health when he is at full but when i shoot a lt in the foot with a rook he insta dies even on full health

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Just now, warpoints said:

what im saying is when i shoot a PO in the foot with an mk1 he loses half health when he is at full but when i shoot a lt in the foot with a rook he insta dies even on full health

i guess theres a clothing glich then

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16 hours ago, sploding said:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Within the APD there are no checks and balances, no internal affairs or sense of accountability. Corps and Sr become friends and you get to a point where unless a large fuckup happens publicly there is no accountability. So as people rise and get more power they become worse.

Every time myself or someone brings this up it just gets downvoted into oblivion by senior and senior hopefuls but it seems as if no one has brought up a coherent argument that can prove otherwise with evidence past feelings and anecdotes. I believe the APD is corrupt AF and sadly the corp rank has also been infected. My main issue isn't that it's just that no one refuses to aknowledge there is an issue or even try to fix it, the current system makes everyone with new ideas, ambition and a want for change to drop until everyone at the top had already been broken down or never cared in the first place.


Also while there of course are exceptions generally speaking the people who are willing to pour 1000+ hours into a video game faction don't usually have much else going on and can become a little too obsessed.

I am ready for the waves of downvotes by the legions of kneepad warriors, at this point I dont care and I've already made peace with never becoming a corp or senior, I already got a chance to lead troops IRL and don't care if I get to do it in some videogame.

Can I have an example? I’d like to know where the sAPD lacks accountability. If there is a TRUE issue with facts, it shouldn’t be hidden. If you know something we don’t.. the floor is yours. 

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17 hours ago, sploding said:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Within the APD there are no checks and balances, no internal affairs or sense of accountability. Corps and Sr become friends and you get to a point where unless a large fuckup happens publicly there is no accountability. So as people rise and get more power they become worse.

Every time myself or someone brings this up it just gets downvoted into oblivion by senior and senior hopefuls but it seems as if no one has brought up a coherent argument that can prove otherwise with evidence past feelings and anecdotes. I believe the APD is corrupt AF and sadly the corp rank has also been infected. My main issue isn't that it's just that no one refuses to aknowledge there is an issue or even try to fix it, the current system makes everyone with new ideas, ambition and a want for change to drop until everyone at the top had already been broken down or never cared in the first place.


Also while there of course are exceptions generally speaking the people who are willing to pour 1000+ hours into a video game faction don't usually have much else going on and can become a little too obsessed.

I am ready for the waves of downvotes by the legions of kneepad warriors, at this point I dont care and I've already made peace with never becoming a corp or senior, I already got a chance to lead troops IRL and don't care if I get to do it in some videogame.

Instead of fighting a system that is not really broken without any proof, you should become friends with SAPD see if that gets you promoted. At that point you have full proof then can challenge it with an argument? I mean you have every opportunity as these "corrupt" corps to become friends with SAPD. If you see a broken system, follow the system to the top then change it if you think you know how it works.

Edited by Vis
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58 minutes ago, Dαnte said:

Can I have an example? I’d like to know where the sAPD lacks accountability. If there is a TRUE issue with facts, it shouldn’t be hidden. If you know something we don’t.. the floor is yours. 

An LT issued search warrant on my house. At the time the apd handbook said Sgt+ may raid a house but it only said Sgt can issue a search warrant.

I brought the issue up with the chief and the LT in question, beginning my statement with “do you follow the handbook to 100%” and he said yes. No punishment was brought into the LT even though he broke a rule. Goat just replied saying “what + sign??” Because he edited the handbook as we were talking.

Point in short is, handbook changed on a whim to accommodate sapd/friend who broke a rule. If it were anyone less it would’ve been demotion or suspension

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5 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

An LT issued search warrant on my house. At the time the apd handbook said Sgt+ may raid a house but it only said Sgt can issue a search warrant.

I brought the issue up with the chief and the LT in question, beginning my statement with “do you follow the handbook to 100%” and he said yes. No punishment was brought into the LT even though he broke a rule. Goat just replied saying “what + sign??” Because he edited the handbook as we were talking.

Point in short is, handbook changed on a whim to accommodate sapd/friend who broke a rule. If it were anyone less it would’ve been demotion or suspension

I get the point, however the case you describe is unbelievably petty.

What you described can be compared to me reporting civs for shooting at me after I go code 3 because it doesn’t say that code 3 is engagement in the server rules

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7 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

An LT issued search warrant on my house. At the time the apd handbook said Sgt+ may raid a house but it only said Sgt can issue a search warrant.

I brought the issue up with the chief and the LT in question, beginning my statement with “do you follow the handbook to 100%” and he said yes. No punishment was brought into the LT even though he broke a rule. Goat just replied saying “what + sign??” Because he edited the handbook as we were talking.

Point in short is, handbook changed on a whim to accommodate sapd/friend who broke a rule. If it were anyone less it would’ve been demotion or suspension

I’m referring to the present time command. I have/had no control over previous reigns. Really dumb that the handbook didn’t say Sgt+ at the time though lmao. 

But, if there is seriously an accountability issue with the PRESENT sAPD, I’m all ears. PM if you don’t want it public. 

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30 minutes ago, Dαnte said:

I’m referring to the present time command. I have/had no control over previous reigns. Really dumb that the handbook didn’t say Sgt+ at the time though lmao. 

But, if there is seriously an accountability issue with the PRESENT sAPD, I’m all ears. PM if you don’t want it public. 

We brought up a huge grey area and nothing came of it and was swept under the rug when the apd started their own fed

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28 minutes ago, ryan beck said:

We brought up a huge grey area and nothing came of it and was swept under the rug when the apd started their own fed

which grey area?


1 hour ago, John Wayne said:

An LT issued search warrant on my house. At the time the apd handbook said Sgt+ may raid a house but it only said Sgt can issue a search warrant.

I brought the issue up with the chief and the LT in question, beginning my statement with “do you follow the handbook to 100%” and he said yes. No punishment was brought into the LT even though he broke a rule. Goat just replied saying “what + sign??” Because he edited the handbook as we were talking.

Point in short is, handbook changed on a whim to accommodate sapd/friend who broke a rule. If it were anyone less it would’ve been demotion or suspension

of course no disciplinary action was taken...what because there was a typo in the handbook you think a LT who has put countless hours in and follows the rules will be demoted?, y'all know the permissions roll up...meaning everything a deputy can do a PO can do + new PO permissions, everything a PO can do a Corp can do + new corp permissions, everything a corp can do a sgt can do + new sgt perms, so on and so fourth. Its common sense man... Expecting a LT to be reprimanded because you messed up and got your house searched and is clinging onto a technicality is just petty af... 



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On 4/30/2018 at 8:53 AM, DeadPool said:

You only become worse if you let your rank become your ego. Don’t let your rank become an ego and don’t gotta problem.

How often does that really not happen? Especially for a teenage pimple faced nerd that sits at home all day and finally gets some "online power". I saw some dipshit yelling at medics over cop/medic comms and pulling them into his channel the other day because he apparently thought he could tell all medics not to service an entire fucking city because he was a retired chief..:rolleyes: The egos of these fucking kids, they're in for a rude awakening when real life hits. 


20 hours ago, sploding said:

Corps and Sr become friends and you get to a point where unless a large fuckup happens publicly there is no accountability. So as people rise and get more power they become worse.

Every time myself or someone brings this up it just gets downvoted into oblivion by senior and senior hopefuls but it seems as if no one has brought up a coherent argument that can prove otherwise with evidence past feelings and anecdotes

Unfortunately that's the case here and other community run servers as well. If it is community run, you can bet there will be corruption. The only way you can ever escape that is if the owner of the community server has the will/desire to monitor things on his own under a pseudonym and root out corrupt cops/staff. But it's human nature to protect those that become friends with you so everyone is prone to a degree of corruption. 


On 4/30/2018 at 3:29 PM, John Winkle said:

Gotta disagree. I actually enjoy Deputy Dog

KB is probably the only sAPD member that I like. Good guy, no ego and just has fun. 

Edited by Dirty Scrubz
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1 hour ago, MAV said:

which grey area?


of course no disciplinary action was taken...what because there was a typo in the handbook you think a LT who has put countless hours in and follows the rules will be demoted?, y'all know the permissions roll up...meaning everything a deputy can do a PO can do + new PO permissions, everything a PO can do a Corp can do + new corp permissions, everything a corp can do a sgt can do + new sgt perms, so on and so fourth. Its common sense man... Expecting a LT to be reprimanded because you messed up and got your house searched and is clinging onto a technicality is just petty af... 



If the Sapd was so good they would’ve caught the mistake in the handbook since they “know it so well”. Maybe the whole handbook is a typo I dunno. I just follow the rules as they’re given... especially rules that the community is tested on. 

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can i just bring up that there are like... 13 year old cops and it says plain as day that you have to 16 or older? i've had a few cops tell me they were under 16. how do they get put on the APD then? It also seems like the admin have been just letting anyone that reads the handbook in instead of picking people who are actually fit for the job. i've made multiple posts against the APD because they always break RP and stuff. I've even been tased by bubba k and left in water and drowned to death. He is prob the worst out of the whole APD because i've even had other cops tell me hes stupid as hell. I text the cops about a hostage situtation and he replied with "no one cares". great RP. the rest arent much better though. I cant count how many times i've 3v1d a cop and they either dont put their hands up or a few minutes later we are swarmed by other cops (we make sure we take their coms as soon as we restrain them). there was one cop we tried to 3v1 in kavala and he got away and we found him in the APD and tried again and he still didnt put his hands up so we killed him. we tried one more time when he respawned on top of the APD and of course we got swarmed soon after. I also hate the fact cops will be toxic as fuck towards you after you kill them multiple times and they finally take you down. "ooo whos big now hurrr durrr" but as soon as you respond with anything they can take offensively they start crying and say they are going to add charges. stop making power hungry children cops. also you should definitely make it mandatory to at least text someone back to tell them they cant be helped if there are not fed or BW events going on. 

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Guest Kden
43 minutes ago, yoto said:

also you should definitely make it mandatory to at least text someone back to tell them they cant be helped if there are not fed or BW events going on. 

Rule of thumb BW/Fed takes a solid hour of APD time up if it’s real

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1 hour ago, yoto said:

can i just bring up that there are like... 13 year old cops and it says plain as day that you have to 16 or older?

I'm not going to read the rest of your post because I really can't be fucking arsed when you couldn't even format it. If you apply and are honest with your age and have been on the server for some time and SAPD can vouch that you're a decent roleplayer then you have a better chance of being accepted. Of course there are twats that do get accepted and turn out to be fucking aweful, but whatcha gon do.

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5 hours ago, rapidaax said:


I ain't even memeing tho, if you want I will deadass pull up my online records, block out PII and post the part of them when I had a command. Once my moving gets done and my service jacket gets here I'll even post the sections about being cadre at infantry training and going they the NCO leadership academy.

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3 hours ago, yoto said:


As for the age stuff: We allow certain exceptions for people who are under 16. These are generally given to people who haven’t lied before and proven themselves enough on the server that we feel comfortable given them the role.

As for everything else you listed: These are literally all disciplinary things. We punish cops for these things. It’s not a perfect world. There have been bad cops, and there is gonna be plenty more. Some just don’t care, some make mistakes. You need to do your part and report them so that we can at least attempt to improve the cops on the force.

As for the dispatch thing: It’s not always easy to remember to text back. However this is going to be fixed with a new UI for responding to dispatches soon.

4 hours ago, ryan beck said:

@MAV cops started their own fed to get into bomb room but we took it over but they did not respond to it as a fed so no wave rule 

No foul play here. I am pretty sure the case was not even reported, however after word got around of the situation, an investigation followed, and a conclusion was made on specifically the bolt cutting portion of the federal event being that that was the only video that I did see and main portion discussed. The conclusion made was that it was the ultimately right thing to do being that the bomb doors were bugged/ not allowing cops to windows key and enter. Bolt cutters were implemented for the reason of countering house raiding bugs/issues. In this case, the federal event was bugged and it is definitely an exception I would have allowed had I been online.

4 hours ago, John Wayne said:

If the Sapd was so good they would’ve caught the mistake in the handbook since they “know it so well”. Maybe the whole handbook is a typo I dunno. I just follow the rules as they’re given... especially rules that the community is tested on. 

I can’t speak for the previous administration. I can say though for a fact that no one knows the handbook 100% to every little thing. That being said, as sAPD, we refer to the handbook when investigating issues. It must also be known that the handbook is not perfect by any means. Over time, it has been created and modified by several different people, and it can only be assumed that there are some errors in it. For a case like that however, it just seems rather ignorant to honestly believe that it was intended for only SGTs to be able to search houses.

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1 minute ago, TheCmdrRex said:

As for the age stuff: We allow certain exceptions for people who are under 16. These are generally given to people who haven’t lied before and proven themselves enough on the server that we feel comfortable given them the role.

As for everything else you listed: These are literally all disciplinary things. We punish cops for these things. It’s not a perfect world. There have been bad cops, and there is gonna be plenty more. Some just don’t care, some make mistakes. You need to do your part and report them so that we can at least attempt to improve the cops on the force.

As for the dispatch thing: It’s not always easy to remember to text back. However this is going to be fixed with a new UI for responding to dispatches soon.

No foul play here. I am pretty sure the case was not even reported, however after word got around of the situation, an investigation followed, and a conclusion was made on specifically the bolt cutting portion of the federal event being that that was the only video that I did see and main portion discussed. The conclusion made was that it was the ultimately right thing to do being that the bomb doors were bugged/ not allowing cops to windows key and enter. Bolt cutters were implemented for the reason of countering house raiding bugs/issues. In this case, the federal event was bugged and it is definitely an exception I would have allowed had I been online.

I can’t speak for the previous administration. I can say though for a fact that no one knows the handbook 100% to every little thing. That being said, as sAPD, we refer to the handbook when investigating issues. It must also be known that the handbook is not perfect by any means. Over time, it has been created and modified by several different people, and it can only be assumed that there are some errors in it. For a case like that however, it just seems rather ignorant to honestly believe that it was intended for only SGTs to be able to search houses.

Can i get cop so i can sell my cars, im broke plz

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4 hours ago, yoto said:

can i just bring up that there are like... 13 year old cops and it says plain as day that you have to 16 or older? i've had a few cops tell me they were under 16. how do they get put on the APD then? It also seems like the admin have been just letting anyone that reads the handbook in instead of picking people who are actually fit for the job. i've made multiple posts against the APD because they always break RP and stuff. I've even been tased by bubba k and left in water and drowned to death. He is prob the worst out of the whole APD because i've even had other cops tell me hes stupid as hell. I text the cops about a hostage situtation and he replied with "no one cares". great RP. the rest arent much better though. I cant count how many times i've 3v1d a cop and they either dont put their hands up or a few minutes later we are swarmed by other cops (we make sure we take their coms as soon as we restrain them). there was one cop we tried to 3v1 in kavala and he got away and we found him in the APD and tried again and he still didnt put his hands up so we killed him. we tried one more time when he respawned on top of the APD and of course we got swarmed soon after. I also hate the fact cops will be toxic as fuck towards you after you kill them multiple times and they finally take you down. "ooo whos big now hurrr durrr" but as soon as you respond with anything they can take offensively they start crying and say they are going to add charges. stop making power hungry children cops. also you should definitely make it mandatory to at least text someone back to tell them they cant be helped if there are not fed or BW events going on. 

uhm report them then

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On 5/1/2018 at 7:03 PM, McDili said:

Bruh where's this clip at let me see that shit.

i seriously had a ton of good clips but they all got deleted when i had to factory reset my computer.  it was giving me the blue screen of death intermittently. i was gunna make a “end of gang life” montage/movie i had probably 30 minutes of me and josh122 arguing , orgondo singing , me and daevon saving ghenghis from the cops and they had to pay him a mil 1v9 vs a rebel raid and rabid the last cop got me and falcon (i was gunna put like 4 clips of where falcon jus totally failed me lol) could’ve jus ran up to the heli killed him and saved me cuz it was Just spooling up and if rabid got out he would’ve been dead af but he tried to shoot rabid out through the back of the orca lololol just all good times good shots etc fuckin all got deleted , i had a solid gold clip of me and @Jaeger Mannen and the rest of tree listening to polka music in direct chat and everyone was like leaning and doing weird dance moves in the game but we were also at meth lab with like 14 hemit boxes and all of a sudden like 4 of us get blown up by a grenade and MC jus fuckin shits on us all and robs us lmao 

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