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Olympus Gang shit talk

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3 hours ago, Proud said:

no point in this, itll get removed and nobody cares enough to post here

STFU you little bitch.  In response to your last message nobody thinks you hack, I mean how could they you are L I T E R A L D O G S H I T at Arma.

59 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

@P a g e #FreeCasper annnnd ban lifted yall think a ban could stick on me? :4head:

Wanna put that to the test? ;D

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Just now, Grandma Gary said:

STFU you little bitch.  In response to your last message nobody thinks you hack, I mean how could they you are L I T E R A L D O G S H I T at Arma.

hey hey #FREEERICZ plox will crack egg on head

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3 hours ago, P a g e #FreeCasper said:

Welcome to the olympus shit talking page.

As certain people ( Teamplayers only ) are not allowed to post on gang recruitment pages without getting banned I have decided to make a shit talking page where gangs can post anything about any other gang without getting banned ( Hopefully ).

Now I can peacefully say zzzzzzzzzz without getting banned u are all welcome.

fr this shit some dick suckin i got a warning point for posting that a gang are fuckin vigi rats on recruitment and i got warning point for calling someone a fuckin retard :/

2 minutes ago, poof| kicked from astro :( said:

fr this shit some dick suckin i got a warning point for posting that a gang are fuckin vigi rats on recruitment and i got warning point for calling someone a fuckin retard :/


I like this post I say pin the post @Grandma Gary and allow people to talk shit without being forum banned it keeps the gang threads clean for recruitment and goodlucks and @P a g e #FreeCasper your dogshit 

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I heard ghostshot likes to make out with people in the back of a pickup 'i wish i knew first hand'

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2 hours ago, Evann said:


still trying to farm rep, fuck off pussy trashcan too, learn to aim u may of wiped gang but havnt touched boutta make a tage out of u alone

5 hours ago, Unjo said:

Toilet paper, good name for a gang who everyone wipes their ass with

just look at your kd

20 minutes ago, poof| kicked from astro :( said:

still trying to farm rep, fuck off pussy trashcan too, learn to aim u may of wiped gang but havnt touched boutta make a tage out of u alone

read your name and then talk to me. you are literally our cheerleader. not only that you have never gotten a kill on cap lol. nice war kd poof 244/307 (0.79)

also how do you farm rep

Edited by Evann

@Evann who are you ingame? I'm afraid I've never seen you get a kill on cap.... Not much of shit talking just haven't seen it happen I could be wrong.

6 hours ago, poof| kicked from astro :( said:

still trying to farm rep, fuck off pussy trashcan too, learn to aim u may of wiped gang but havnt touched boutta make a tage out of u alone

just look at your kd

Look at my career cop kd? Yeah nice one. 

15 hours ago, Nex is the name said:

Glad I can get my toxicity out now, here we go....


That felt good, I need to do this more often.

Show them that us RnR are FED UP

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7 hours ago, Ghostshot said:

@Evann who are you ingame? I'm afraid I've never seen you get a kill on cap.... Not much of shit talking just haven't seen it happen I could be wrong.

vital evan


if you’ve never seen me get a kill ur delusional considering your gang is always on the res pawn screen

16 minutes ago, Evann said:

vital evan


if you’ve never seen me get a kill ur delusional considering your gang is always on the res pawn screen

just another kid that thinks he is good it's okay we all share the same amount of time on the respawn screen

14 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

STFU you little bitch.  In response to your last message nobody thinks you hack, I mean how could they you are L I T E R A L D O G S H I T at Arma.

ahahah u look funny ahahahha

1 hour ago, Evann said:

vital evan


if you’ve never seen me get a kill ur delusional considering your gang is always on the res pawn screen

u dont even go by that ingame hush, you are ashamed bec if u went by evan u would get shit talked u walking warpoint

3 hours ago, Unjo said:

Look at my career cop kd? Yeah nice one. 

fair enough, but cop kinda the biggest gang on server so u doo doo

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