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o7 - Tree tech support now offline

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16 hours ago, Nightingale said:

@Creepy - Damn, the amount of times I've 1v6ed his shit gang back in the day. Los Zetas Cartel, Blackwater. Either way. Definitely one of Tree's top rival gangs. Anyways you're a chill ass dude on cop and it was fun playing with you guys always. Maybe when Arma 4 comes out I'll 1v6 you guys there too

Im just gonna leave this here. f1b60ebded9c82f3bd8fed82fe14265d.png


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Man really don't wanna see you go but i'll try my best to bring you back lol o7 homie its been a hell of ride and playing with you in tree was some of the funniest moments I think I've had since I've joined the community. Don't be a stranger and come join ts anytime to chill with us.

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22 hours ago, Nightingale said:

@SoA Steve - I dont know your forum name but fuck it. I remember when me and ray joined SoA and on our first week of olympus we were just demolishing everyone. I remember when I literally 1v7d VX that week and I got the fastest Men of Mayhem tag. SoA was always fun and I'll never forget switching to Archetype and playing with you guys there and suicide vesting you when you just bought a loadout and a ifrit

I was in SoA with Steve on an exile server a while back. Cool ass cat he is.
Also, fun fact, Archetype is back up again.


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