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Silla doesn't have SHIT to do with Oly Dying (it isn't anyways)

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It's become a popular thing to blame silla for the (death) of the server, even though it's doing fine.  

Taking kidneys has absolutely no bearing on gameplay.  You get it right back, and you're guaranteed not to be killed.  There's at least 15 gangs on this server that sexually harass, and scream the N word at you every time you're in cuffs.  There's gangs that dead ass mass rdm new players because they  know they don't record.  There's gangs that dead ass hack, and rob new players of peach runs.

I love watching so many players mad about their numbers whine that silla is somehow the death of the server, because when it comes to toxicity, they're pretty low, and frankly one of the best gangs to meet off the bat.  So they take a kidney, and help you get your kidney back.  Most gangs would just kill everyone without mercy, and half the people they mess with are kavala rdmers that don't bother reading the rules, and end up getting recruited into silla anyways.  

What bothers me more is admins going after silla like they're some kind of a bane for existing.  Admins should be decidedly, far far more neutral with silla then they seem to be.  

There is no death of the server.  It's managed to survive servers two and three being cut down and all the players we lost from that.  It's still much higher pop than basically anyone predicted it would be at this point.  

Look at all the shit silla actually does for the server:

Donates For Uniforms
Helps acclamate new players to the rules
Gives new players a gang to join
Keeps the cops entertained (probably one of the main reasons so many cops are online on standby)

I, and most relatively newcomers in the last year or so, started off dealing with gangs far far far far worse than silla.  I could show videos of the first times I got robbed that make silla seem like a  "welcome to the neighborhood" party, complete with giftbaskets.  

In my opinion, they're being used as a scapegoat because they're big, and the only true zerg gang left on oly.  

What damages new players on oly is something far more obvious.  Most of them believe there are no mods or admins so the rules aren't real.  You can argue with these kids all day but they will say "I've been killing people for a week and haven't been banned."   Then when the tickets finally catch up to them, they catch a 7  day on their first ban because tickets piled up for 2 weeks and got done all at once.  If they had actually gotten banned within a day of their first rdm, they could have corrected their behavior right off the bat, and that player wouldn't be nearly as discouraged.  

Silla is stuck in a city full of noobs that think admins/mods are a myth, and that tickets don't really exist, and they make the best of it, and they manage to do so without being toxic, and having to deal with the same people rdming them on a daily basis for weeks before they get banned.  


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31 minutes ago, anti said:

It's become a popular thing to blame silla for the (death) of the server, even though it's doing fine.  

Taking kidneys has absolutely no bearing on gameplay.  You get it right back, and you're guaranteed not to be killed.  There's at least 15 gangs on this server that sexually harass, and scream the N word at you every time you're in cuffs.  There's gangs that dead ass mass rdm new players because they  know they don't record.  There's gangs that dead ass hack, and rob new players of peach runs.

I love watching so many players mad about their numbers whine that silla is somehow the death of the server, because when it comes to toxicity, they're pretty low, and frankly one of the best gangs to meet off the bat.  So they take a kidney, and help you get your kidney back.  Most gangs would just kill everyone without mercy, and half the people they mess with are kavala rdmers that don't bother reading the rules, and end up getting recruited into silla anyways.  

What bothers me more is admins going after silla like they're some kind of a bane for existing.  Admins should be decidedly, far far more neutral with silla then they seem to be.  

There is no death of the server.  It's managed to survive servers two and three being cut down and all the players we lost from that.  It's still much higher pop than basically anyone predicted it would be at this point.  

Look at all the shit silla actually does for the server:

Donates For Uniforms
Helps acclamate new players to the rules
Gives new players a gang to join
Keeps the cops entertained (probably one of the main reasons so many cops are online on standby)

I, and most relatively newcomers in the last year or so, started off dealing with gangs far far far far worse than silla.  I could show videos of the first times I got robbed that make silla seem like a  "welcome to the neighborhood" party, complete with giftbaskets.  

In my opinion, they're being used as a scapegoat because they're big, and the only true zerg gang left on oly.  

What damages new players on oly is something far more obvious.  Most of them believe there are no mods or admins so the rules aren't real.  You can argue with these kids all day but they will say "I've been killing people for a week and haven't been banned."   Then when the tickets finally catch up to them, they catch a 7  day on their first ban because tickets piled up for 2 weeks and got done all at once.  If they had actually gotten banned within a day of their first rdm, they could have corrected their behavior right off the bat, and that player wouldn't be nearly as discouraged.  

Silla is stuck in a city full of noobs that think admins/mods are a myth, and that tickets don't really exist, and they make the best of it, and they manage to do so without being toxic, and having to deal with the same people rdming them on a daily basis for weeks before they get banned.  


Legit saw a Silla kid on S2 yesterday engaging on people "because he felt like it" What's worse he said that he was only engaging on nakeds because they're "Free"

3 minutes ago, Bushz said:

Legit saw a Silla kid on S2 yesterday engaging on people "because he felt like it" What's worse he said that he was only engaging on nakeds because they're "Free"

Now I'm not saying Sillas bad for the server or anything but there are still people in that gang that don't help with your pleas

I took off my titles, put on freshspawn clothes, and made my name something you would see from a new player that just got the game. Within 5 seconds of walking into Kav square I’m RDM’ed by Silla.

I spectate the guy that just RDM’ed me and he’s mowing down Joe in his new player offroad with only 3 minutes on the server. Joe logged off and probably never came back.

Good one dude.

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  • BlessUp 1
1 hour ago, anti said:

here's at least 15 gangs on this server that sexually harass, and scream the N word at you every time you're in cuffs. 

just a you problem cus nobody likes you

28 minutes ago, Civak said:

I took off my titles, put on freshspawn clothes, and made my name something you would see from a new player that just got the game. Within 5 seconds of walking into Kav square I’m RDM’ed by Silla.


also have multiple videos of me on my alt getting rdmed and randomly hands up or died while naked by them lol.

1 hour ago, Mike Lit's stupid ass face said:

Not reading this, Olympus is dying, I’m positive it’s entirely your fault


On 4/13/2021 at 4:57 PM, Civak said:

I took off my titles, put on freshspawn clothes, and made my name something you would see from a new player that just got the game. Within 5 seconds of walking into Kav square I’m RDM’ed by Silla.

I spectate the guy that just RDM’ed me and he’s mowing down Joe in his new player offroad with only 3 minutes on the server. Joe logged off and probably never came back.

Good one dude.

I can count silla's cumulative braincells on my left hand

This is what happens when you have a successful gang on Olympus that's able to push up against the existing power structures while remaining outside of it. People hate you, they shit on you, and you get targeted by OS and sAPD because you have some clout. 

When Noble was the hot girl on campus, we were constantly targeted. We had staff spawn in gear to blow our shed up, would be hunted down by the awesome map DB players had, had sAPD members camp our shed and houses for hours, and when I say hours I mean hours. When we tried to fight back, our player reports would be ignored and the players would be unbanned in minutes. So we pushed further, started new gangs and owned new sheds. Rules were implemented in a matter of days to stop us.

Ultimately, Olympus is dying. If it has to be dying is a discussion for another thread. But Olympus is realistically down to one server and they've resorted to reduced bans and unbanning people who were permed. New players are run off the server by the established player base. If that isn't grasping at straws idk what is

21 hours ago, Skateezy said:

DB GPS, no problem. Well renowned smart and strategic RDMers like DEI Paul Menard and Pilot Williams, no problem. Prolific Kavala Scats that nearly have more combined kidneys stolen than the collective of Silla, whom I will not name, no problem. Staff telling new players who decide to post on the forums their opinion/montage is stupid, no problem. Community manager calling a player a “fucking cocksucker” for taking kidneys (an Olympus game mechanic), no problem. 

Get RDMed, once, and all of a sudden it’s a problem? If he wasn’t in Silla he would have RDMed you regardless @Civak.


If we are the scapegoat for inaction of the staff team so be it, but what did you do after you logged off your “new character” besides ban the guy and save it in your head to post a “gotcha” on the forums? If you guys are heads then hold your team you’ve created more accountable.


Kavala is still #1 in spawn list and new players have no direction besides a billboard that is terribly hard to read and the occasional “staff help” so they can look like they do more than volunteer help desk. You could probably just hire $2 an hour Fiverr Indians to deal with Reports and Compensation requests and look for players who want to actually staff the server in real time - 80% of the staff list doesn’t play, and if they do it’s under a different name. 

The devs play more than the staff and tend to be quite nicer... it probably has something to do with the fact it’s their work.

This. This is beautiful.

6 minutes ago, Skateezy said:

You hit it spot on. None of us are interested in being involved in staff affairs - it’s almost a subconscious dislike towards us because we don’t want to be in the video game janitor volunteer circle. We stick to civilian because it is a fun time and nearly none of us want to hear some super Arma 3 Roleplayer Extremist tell us what to do on APD so we have that exclusion also. I and others have been banned multiple times for it to be lifted near the second we join TeamSpeak and resolve the problem. This could be staff farming staff points, could be anti-Silla bias, whatever it is. It is hilarious to me that when you look at Olympus as a business, which it is for a select few, then it is entirely inadvisable to try to push off a large and consistent group of players/customers when that product is on the way out.

I speak for myself when I say there is  nothing keeping me engaged with not just Olympus, but Arma 3 in general, other than the people I play with. This game is entirely social to me, so for staff to handpick their favorites and repeatedly ban players (not just Silla) that are consistent for minor inconveniences is simply a huge mistake. Groovy was banned for a short-while for DPIng over a rock on cartels, I got banned shortly for jumping over sandbags during a non-combat situation and was told by two staff members they saw me “jump through a window” over the sandbag when not only had I not, there was no possible way they could have interpreted that. There is definitely a huge push for lower-level staff to remove players from the service for fake internet EPEEN promotions and it is probably the stupidest system Olympus has in place.

Circle jerk time - the best part of Noble was the people. Did we suck? Yes. Did we loose a 40 man BW? You fucking bet we did. But we had a ton of fun. There was limited drama and personal vendetta in the gang, it was cool people who enjoyed playing together. That's what kept the gang together and what kept me playing for so long. Looking back with our senior team, we often talk about how we miss playing on olympus but the conversation quickly shifts to "well I really don't miss arguing with staff or spending half my day in support, or nitpicking over the rules with OS"

Olympus is ultimately a business, but its being run like a mafia. We had someone get permed (and their appeals fall on deaf ears) after having a very unfortunate fail RP moment (tried to Sui vest the gang, ended up killing 9 noble members and not a single APD member) and hes still permed. But a developer makes a map that allows them to cheat? Oh its fine. When you raise these issues with top leadership you're told "oh you just don't know them like I do" which is correct, because they aren't slobbering on my knob to keep their position. If you're not in your out, and they'll continue to push people away while moving the goalposts to continue to justify their own success 

 this server has been dying for years. player base fluctuates quite often. 3 yrs ago there were 2 severs always up and both decently filled, then s3 opened up later in the day and still had ppl joining it. now like stated before, theres only one server basically that . idk if its true, but someone told me that there were literally like 50 players on avg a few months ago or like half a year ago

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