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It's been a fun run.

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I've been here for over a year and a half, had some really good times and also some really rocky times. Server helped me with those but it's time to move onto bigger and better things, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you who I've had the pleasure of playing with.A small part of me hopes i made a impact on a couple of you guys on the apd side or civilian side, Wish you all the best of luck in the future and that you guys keep on keeping on! I’ve been very blessed to share this experience with all of you. The time has come for that experience to end though,
I wanted to thank all of you for being a part of this chapter in my life. I’ll truly miss this place.Cheers, and thanks for all of the memories.



Therealkyle- For always being there for me, and being a true keklord my battle buddy and always giving my advice what to do next and being the Cheapest motherfucker.

Dejay- For being absolutely dog shit at this game but always making me laugh.

Goat- For doing absolutely nothing other then being a lucky pilot but having a kick ass soundboard.

Corporal_Moob- For honestly being one the most down to earth guys and being one of my favorite people to play, And being a good leader and helping me through my dog shit life.

Fat_Clemenza- For having a bowl cut and helping me when my girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me with my best friend, Thanks for helping me through that Clemenza.

Adi- For being the rook god and always getting me outta cuffs and 1 tapping cops.

Ollie- For being a complete animal in his kavala house with his house cameras.

Toe Knee- For eating pizza and constantly picking up the kills i couldn't finish and destroying cops left and right.

Always- For always  having that slippery Ethernet cable in fights.

Rusty- For being a true mong, And always talking shit to each other but never taking anything serious.

Huskers- For being a god rusher and top tier player and always being cool with me.

D3V1L- For just being Devil.

Honeybooboo- For being a 1 tap legend and a god player.

Ace- For being the guy I looked up to most on the server and always wished I could be like.

Manta- For being a cunt.

Mobundo- For being one of the greatest Africans i ever got the pleasure to play with and against.

Snake- For giving my chance at corporal and helping me through it all and making me laugh every step of the way.

Quan and Amish- For being pdub gods.

Cloak- For being a AFK whore and being a god even though huskers is still better then him.

3rip- For being a god tier hacker.

Fluffyteddy- For making me laugh every time you raged. 

Peter Long- For being one of the greatest LT and Dep. around and always showing me his wife's boobs.

Hades- For working his ass off for the server and by far one of the fairest admins.

Dustin87- For his constant shit talk and forum warrior and being a dumbass and letting pick on him for as long as i did i still love you dustin.

GummyCow- For being a dick when i first met him to turning into an okay guy that literally looses his train of thought after 20 secounds

If I forgot any of you i'm sorry!

Peace Olympus




  • Like 13

i saw this coming but it doesent make it any less hard, it was fun playing with you. I hope you dont leave completely

also thank o7

Dustin87- For his constant shit talk and forum warrior and being a dumbass and letting pick on him for as long as i did i still love you dustin.

  • Like 1

I'm going to miss you man, always had a good times playing, raging, and enjoying my time on the server. I wish the best of luck and I wish you wouldn't leave this commuity because some kid with assburgers did you dirty. Snapchat me baby boo :'(

  • Like 1

No! Your not allowed to leave, no no no no no :( who else am I going to talk to about drinking beer, and trucks, and about denture free blowjobs? Sobek sad, Sobek very sad. Please no :(

  • Like 1

:( didn't play with ya a lot, but you were a fun cop whenever i did see ya. Anyway, sad to see you go, but good luck with your future!!

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<3 hopefully you'll remain a PC gamer and become a CSGO legend on a toaster :lol:

  • Like 2
15 minutes ago, D3V1L said:

<3 hopefully you'll remain a PC gamer and become a CSGO legend on a toaster :lol:

CSGO legend on a toaster will never happen!

Shit... Sad to see you go. You will Be missed. Hope you come around again.


Wish you the best of luck and hope back once and a while.

-Tragic :(:(:(:(:( 

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You will be missed Buddy, you have been through my rage moments and my recovery to something better, had a moment where i told two other players exactly what i felt about them wich leaded to me getting a harrasment ban, but i am not gonna argue with that since i said some really stupid things.. We all learn from our mistakes, but back to the topic.. It's been a good run, sad that it has to end. Hope to see you again once in a while, good luck with whatever you choose to fill your days with and have fun buddy :) 

  • Like 1

no mention of bojo? :( #Bojo'sStillHere


Sad to see you go tho Ghost, take care! :D

  • Admin

Didn't have the pleasure of playing with you a lot but I heard a lot of good things about you.  Sad to see a good player go.  I was not expecting you to take this route after what happened.  I expected you to fight through it man.  But whatever works best for you.  Good luck in your future endeavors. 

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