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Community Survey

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So we did one of these on the new year, and now that we are halfway through March, I was wondering how the landscape of the Community has changed. I have filled out my responses, so please answer with yours!


1. Most Dominate Gang : OS

2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty

3. Favorite current APD Member : Dildo/Fat Clemenza

4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac Newton

5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose

6. Favorite former R&R : That dude who drove a .50 cal in warzone back in the day

7. Kavala Troll King : [Taxi] Marty or [DB] Dingle

8. Favorite time on the server : SWAT trainings with the boys. 7 v 18 never5get

9. Funniest Moment : boats raining from the sky.

10. Something you want in the community : Id love a close quarters server.

11. Favorite Quote : "Barb does Peter/Josh have a small penis."   Barb : "Yes."


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1. Most Dominate Gang : SS

2. Favorite Player : Not Important

3. Favorite current APD Member : McDili

4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac Newton

5. Favorite former APD member : ZHS-62

6. Favorite former R&R : Horizon

7. Kavala Troll King : [DB] Dingle

8. Favorite time on the server : running in kavala with sdars on go karts.

9. Funniest Moment : everytime rusty dies.

10. Something you want in the community : Id love a close quarters server.

11. Favorite Quote : "Linka youre just a parasite" 

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1. Most Dominate Gang : R&R

2. Favorite Player : Marty

3. Favorite current APD Member : Clemenza

4. Favorite R&R Member : PETA

5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose

6. Favorite former R&R : DesertFox.

7. Kavala Troll King : EatMeth

8. Favorite time on the server : Old server 2 with KI, Nerdz, BFO, and IS

9. Funniest Moment : pretty much anytime someone gets arma'd and i witness it.

10. Something you want in the community : bring back wasteland or KOTH and a cqc server.

11. Favorite Quote : "you're just a stinky alaskan white tank top wearing donger" - Corporal_moob

  • Like 2

1. Most Dominate Gang : OG

2. Favorite Player : Conan

3. Favorite current APD Member : None they are all shit.

4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac

5. Favorite former APD member : Ace or Travis

6. Favorite former R&R : Koko

7. Kavala Troll King : Ricky Spanish

8. Favorite time on the server : My 1st kill on dildo

9. Funniest Moment : Ghost's Karate Moments

10. Something you want in the community : boats N hoes

11. Favorite Quote : Both you're parents didn't die quit being a bitch and liar - Dejay

1. Most Dominate Gang : [Taxi]

2. Favorite Player : Postman, mainly cause your fat as shit and can still dunk.

3. Favorite current APD Member : Squared (Even though you're a fucking shitter)

4. Favorite R&R Member : Tierney

5. Favorite former APD member : Hyperion and or Thomas

6. Favorite former R&R : Koko

7. Kavala Troll King : Ollie the Rook God

8. Favorite time on the server : When my boys Aneon and Krisskross tried to vdm Pinkstreak back in the days to save me from the popo.

9. Funniest Moment : Prewipe when in MC, we slung a SDV and vdm'd a shit ton of cops.

10. Something you want in the community : BRING BACK MY FUCKING RUST SERVER.

11. Favorite Quote : "Wake my daughter up, beat her and then go back to bed" -Jaeger Mannen

  • Like 1

1. Most Dominate Gang :  [SadGekko]  

2. Favorite Player : <Maruchan> SemiRigidMan

3. Favorite current APD Member :  Co1t because he lets me fly his mh-9s

4. Favorite R&R Member : N/A

5. Favorite former APD member : cLoak

6. Favorite former R&R : Frost

7. Kavala Troll King : I dont go to kavala

8. Favorite time on the server : Fights between M(first one) and MC or Gang Wars 1

9. Funniest Moment : Co1ts rage when he lags out and gets killed

10. Something you want in the community : RCO's, boats N hoes,  old tilde

11. Favorite Quote : "i need a fucking career in wiffle ball because all i do is wiff" - linka 

1. Most Dominate Gang : FaZe

2. Favorite Player : Jeff Chaplin

3. Favorite current APD Member : Jeff Chaplin

4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac Newton

5. Favorite former APD member : N/A

6. Favorite former R&R : N/A

7. Kavala Troll King : fuck kavala

8. Favorite time on the server : back when I wasnt in a gang and I was rolling around with a rook killing everybody

9. Funniest Moment : When the hacker came on and blew everybody up and all the cars went to the moon.

10. Something you want in the community : CQC SERVER PLEASE

11. Favorite Quote : "I thought you were a fisherman."

8 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

1. Most Dominate Gang : [Taxi]

2. Favorite Player : Postman, mainly cause your fat as shit and can still dunk.

3. Favorite current APD Member : Squared (Even though you're a fucking shitter)

4. Favorite R&R Member : Tierney

5. Favorite former APD member : Hyperion and or Thomas

6. Favorite former R&R : Koko

7. Kavala Troll King : Ollie the Rook God

8. Favorite time on the server : When my boys Aneon and Krisskross tried to vdm Pinkstreak back in the days to save me from the popo.

9. Funniest Moment : Prewipe when in MC, we slung a SDV and vdm'd a shit ton of cops.

10. Something you want in the community : BRING BACK MY FUCKING RUST SERVER.

11. Favorite Quote : "Wake my daughter up, beat her and then go back to bed" -Jaeger Mannen

+1 just for the quote rofl

  • Like 1

1. Most Dominate Gang : Toss up between Mayhem and MC. If I had to choose, probably Mayhem. Sorry Moob.

2. Favorite Player : Corporal_Moob. There's never a more fun and funny experience for me.

3. Favorite current APD Member : This is a conflict of interest for me to say. So I pick myself. Fuck you all

4. Favorite R&R Member : I can't remember his name. He's somewhat new and his name starts with an M I think. He puts on an accent and he's fucking hilarious

5. Favorite former APD member : SGT @Snake

6. Favorite former R&R : Nacho

7. Kavala Troll King : Conan the Destroyer.

8. Favorite time on the server: 


9. Funniest Moment :


10. Something you want in the community : boats N hoes + Executions. (The version where executions prevent from being defibbed but still allow medics to revive you.)

11. Favorite Quote : "I decided to suck that dick ya know" - Tman15tmb

1. Most Dominate Gang : M probably

2. Favorite Player : Ninja

3. Favorite current APD Member : SystemChips

4. Favorite R&R Member : Peta

5. Favorite former APD member : Devil

6. Favorite former R&R : Idk

7. Kavala Troll King : Everyone in [DB]

8. Favorite time on the server : Cartels. 

9. Funniest Moment : Devil spawning in jets and nuking the whole map

10. Something you want in the community : Corporal.. Besides that maybe gang houses/auctions

11. Favorite Quote : 

1. Most Dominate Gang : M 

2. Favorite Player : N/A

3. Favorite current APD Member : Mcdili

4. Favorite R&R Member : A defib

5. Favorite former APD member : N/A

6. Favorite former R&R : Idk

7. Kavala Troll King : NA

8. Favorite time on the server : Large scale fights

9. Funniest Moment : colt lagging out during cartels

10. Something you want in the community : RCOs, Mag repacking script, DEFIBS, old ifrit doors. unarmed blackfoots, 

11. Favorite Quote : 'ill let you fuck me for olympus money"- auralynn aka some dude

1. Most Dominant Gang: [MC]

2. Favorite Player: Virus

3. Favorite APD Member: McDili

4. Favorite R&R Member: Peter Hunter

5. Favorite Retired APD Member: HamOfMoose

6. Favorite Retired R&R Member: Fugi

7. Kavala Troll King: Conan the Destroyer

8. Favorite Time on Server: When Ace and all of his buds left. Good riddance.

9. Funniest Moment: Reference my YouTube video: Too Many Orcas

10. Something I want in the Community: The complete and utter extermination of the Big Towers

11. Favorite Quote: "Was the water wet?" -Adi

1. Most Dominate Gang : Exile when 1 server existed, Renegades 1.0, MC for time they've been around

2. Favorite Player : Toe Knee

3. Favorite current APD Member : Clemenza

4. Favorite R&R Member : Isaac Newton

5. Favorite former APD member : tbird

6. Favorite former R&R : Lonnie

7. Kavala Troll King : GI Joe, CowboyConway

8. Favorite time on the server : APD: Busting Tree with Toe Knee Civ: Undermanned feds with Deimos

9. Funniest Moment : APD: boats with Adi, Armend and Toe Knee, Civ: ifrit

10. Something you want in the community : ifrit doors fixed. I think everyone wants me to have trial SGT again ;)

11. Favorite Quote : "That's so unrealistic" - Warfare 2015 after the infamous Amish PDW shot seen around the world.

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1. Most Dominate Gang : APD

2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty

3. Favorite current APD Member : Fat Clemenza

4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac Newton

5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose

6. Favorite former R&R : Lonnie

7. Kavala Troll King : [Taxi] Marty

8. Favorite time on the server : First gang wars.

9. Funniest Moment :

10. Something you want in the community : MK 1 for civ.

11. Favorite Quote : 

1. Most Dominate Gang : -R-

2. Favorite Player : Cole Anderson

3. Favorite current APD Member : Bubbaloo

4. Favorite R&R Member : Dezeere 

5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose, Ace, And Gucci

6. Favorite former R&R : Odin

7. Kavala Troll King : Conan

8. Favorite time on the server : Getting immediately dq'd in an event

9. Funniest Moment : Watching Civs get arma'd

10. Something you want in the community : MK 1 for civ, Rcos' for civs, MX's for civs. 

11. Favorite Quote : "Skeeter you are the worst corporal ever." Adaptation    And Anything in my signature.  

1. Most Dominate Gang : M

2. Favorite Player : The Rabbit that opens house/fed doors.

3. Favorite current APD Member : Robotz

4. Favorite R&R Member : One that can Rez me in the first request.

5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose and Peter Long

6. Favorite former R&R : The ones I kill once the revive me inna redzone.

7. Kavala Troll King : All Of DB

8. Favorite time on the server : Gangs Wars

9. Funniest Moment : My Signature Video

10. Something you want in the community : Mk-1s , Defibs, RCO's, and a CQC Server.

11. Favorite Quote : "Co1t your Lagging....?" - Anyone who plays with me.



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1. Most Dominate Gang : Kavala Scats 

2. Favorite Player : EatMeth & Trenton the God

3. Favorite current APD Member : Couldn't care less

4. Favorite R&R Member : Richard Hurtz pretty much the same as saying no one

5. Favorite former APD member : Ace

6. Favorite former R&R : Chronorpheus

7. Kavala Troll King : All of Kavala valet service and [Taxi]Marty

8. OS member to most abuse powers: Peter Shlong

9. Dankest Memer: Dan banks/Yoitssssdanyyyyyyyy1/dannyfunk

10. Favorite time on the server : Exploiting Bodys and selling the items through my house as a black market

11. Funniest Moment : When i found out Tman got Air Responder when all he could use was auto hover

12. Something you want in the community :  A less toxic/cringey community

13. Favorite Quote : "MEDIC ETA" - Every one who has Threatened a Medic ever

14. Best Hitler Impersonator : [Head R&R Cord]Muffin-hater

15: Most Butt Hurt salty nerd : Co1t




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On 3/12/2016 at 8:26 PM, Codyhellbringer said:


9. Dankest Memer: Dan banks/Yoitssssdanyyyyyyyy1/dannyfunk



I did it lmaooo!!




1. Most Dominate Gang : none - gangs are stupid (I'm too trash to be in one)

2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty

3. Favorite current APD Member : Danger and Angel are pretty chill dudes.

4. Favorite R&R Member : Peta 

5. Favorite former APD member : peter long [*]

6. Favorite former R&R : Idk tbh I don't know anyone who's quit R&R who was chill

7. Kavala Troll King : All of DB - The true legends

8. Favorite time on the server : probs that mlg ghost hawk action.

9. Funniest Moment: HEMMT transport goofs, rip 1 mil.

10. Something you want in the community : more RP #nextlevelrp less shooting

11. Favorite quote: "Vehicle looks good, here's some cash" @djwolf

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1. Most Dominate Gang : MC

2. Favorite Player : Trumper

3. Favorite current APD Member : Fat Clemenza/Peta

4. Favorite R&R Member : Peta

5. Favorite former APD member : Paul Johnson

6. Favorite former R&R : N/A

7. Kavala Troll King : [DB]

8. Favorite time on the server : Whenever I get a kill (Doesn't happen that often) and I call myself a top tier Olympus player

9. Funniest Moment : Too many to choose from

10. Something you want in the community : Being able to put an exponent in my name instead of typing out the word "Squared"

11. Favorite Quote : "You have one of the most creative names in MC" - Linka

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3 hours ago, Motocross_will said:


11. Favorite Quote : "You have one of the most creative names in MC" - Linka

I said you DO have the most creative 

1. Most Dominate Gang : MC

2. Favorite Player : TheRealKyle

3. Favorite current APD Member : Steve Miller

4. Favorite R&R Member : Joce

5. Favorite former APD member : Devil [*]

6. Favorite former R&R : Buffalo Bill [*]

7. Kavala Troll King : 7

8. Favorite time on the server : Scating with the buds

9. Funniest Moment : Slinging a green chrome quadbike and attempting to rob people with it.

10. Something you want in the community : More gangs willing to fight

11. Favorite Quote : "I killed 3 n****rs at the fed, can I get a pardon" - TheRealKyle

On 3/11/2016 at 8:30 PM, Peter Long said:

So we did one of these on the new year, and now that we are halfway through March, I was wondering how the landscape of the Community has changed. I have filled out my responses, so please answer with yours!


1. Most Dominate Gang : MA

2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty

3. Favorite current APD Member : Fat Clemenza

4. Favorite R&R Member : Albert Savage

5. Favorite former APD member : HamOfMoose

6. Favorite former R&R : none

7. Kavala Troll King : [Taxi] Marty [DB] Inky

8. Favorite time on the server : 50 cal on a mohawk that crashed into one of my hemett boxes which exploded. 

9. Funniest Moment : Quad Bike derby

10. Something you want in the community : CQB server or the Taliban grey with black spots rebel clothing. I used to only use that clothing bit no I can't find any server in the game with it.

11. Favorite Quote : [OS] Gidget "Ban first, ask questions later"



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