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Bye Guys :)

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  On 5/22/2016 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:


Ash/Ashton/I'mGoodBecauseIGetAPityInviteToEveryGangIGetInto - Fuck you dude. You're a racist, wannabe, dick-riding degenerate. You literally need to stop talking and posting on the forums, go play some fucking My Little Pony you fucking cunt.






  • Like 2

Good bye my man, hopefully you don't move to archeshit like some kids did. 

In all you're one of the only people it was difficult  to have beef with, anyone who talked shit about you honestly just wanted to fight someone. You're a legend, and deserved being an underage APD member. Good luck in your future endeavors bud.

  • Like 1

Yo where the fuck am I?

I'll message one myself. 

Kuuda: Reinvest in the twincest because it is the wincest. You got cop flawlessly twice and got dewhitelistedbecuase you never played. I never played with you because "I don't play with shit people". Ily <3


Edited by Kuuda

rip the last member of the deputy squad <3


Ash/Ashton/I'mGoodBecauseIGetAPityInviteToEveryGangIGetInto - Fuck you dude. You're a racist, wannabe, dick-riding degenerate. You literally need to stop talking and posting on the forums, go play some fucking My Little Pony you fucking cunt. You literally wake up everyday and feel like being a tumor. I don't know why you even play anymore, like your shitter than my parents abusing me. You literally need to, in the words of Buffalo Bill, Go vertical. Like holy fuck dude. You're basically the fucking grass stain on my blue jeans when I was 5. Fuck you fucking dumbass.

I guess two people are leaving the server today with the way you ended that retards career

  • Like 1

o7 From Nerdz 

Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz Nerdz

Fuck Kevin.


  • Like 1
  On 5/22/2016 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:

Joel - You use to be a piece of shit, now you're actually kind of cool. You remind of this fat wannabe Mexican at my school named Ethan.


We made the post :). Cya later Bud, You were always pretty cool.

  • Like 1


Today, we wave goodbye to the Squeak Extraordinaire, one of the few that could actually be stood, and wasn't a half bad player either.

I'm sure you'll be back some day, Everyone always rolls back around, but until then, Bai.


P.S. Thanx for de 500k.

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  • Admin


Damn it Ham. I had a feeling this was coming. I wish you the best and hope that you come back to troll with us from time to time. You are an awesome dude and honestly very mature for your age. I think you would have made a great SGT regardless of your squeakiness :). Gonna miss you bud! I always believed in you! :(. Anyway, I got you on steam so I'll see you on DayZ 0.60 >3

  • Like 3
  On 5/22/2016 at 11:51 PM, Corporal_moob said:


Today wave goodbye to the Squeak Extraordinaire, one of the few that could actually be stood, and wasn't a half bad player either.

I'm sure you'll be back some day, Everyone always rolls back around, but until then, Bai.


<3 and pfft, wasn't half bad? Dude, I'm a fucking god :P jk, thanks Moob :)

  On 5/22/2016 at 11:52 PM, Ham said:

<3 and pfft, wasn't half bad? Dude, I'm a fucking god :P jk, thanks Moob :)


Come on, I have high standards.

Feel privileged to be in that category, Even McDili doesn't get into that category. 

  On 5/22/2016 at 11:52 PM, Bubbaloo Burrito said:


Damn it Ham. I had a feeling this was coming. I wish you the best and hope that you come back to troll with us from time to time. You are an awesome dude and honestly very mature for your age. I think you would have made a great SGT regardless of your squeakiness :). Gonna miss you bud! I always believed in you! :(. Anyway, I got you on steam so I'll see you on DayZ 0.60 >3


Yeah :) Thanks man, I'll play some and I'll join you on DayZ too :)

  On 5/22/2016 at 11:55 PM, SystemChips said:

Goodbye sweet Ham.


I'll put one in for you too :)

  • Like 1
  On 5/22/2016 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:

Trimorphious - We were in LGN and NaCLO together. The fucking OG gangs and you always got mad when people called you Trimorphidon. You sound like you smoke pure cancer everyday. You're a cool person to play with and always put up with my shit since LGN.


Alright its my turn, Ham you're the best role-player I've seen on the APD. Some people take it way too seriously but you know how to role-play so that everyone in the situation has a laugh and actually enjoys the RP aspect of this game. I'm gonna miss the LGN days of rook battles and frog runs in Pyrgos and I'm gonna miss playing with you in general. As for the APD, I guess I'll have to carry on the #UnderageCorporal title for you until February of next year when I actually turn 16. And I'm also gonna do my best to encourage role-play for the rest of my time on this server, I could always tell you had way more fun RPing than anything else. 

Farewell to one of the few people who role-played, socialized and made friends on Olympus instead of shooting all the time.

PS: i've been using a voicechanger this entire time i'm actually a massive squeaker

  • Like 2
  On 5/22/2016 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:


Mory Mango - I thought you were the biggest bitch, but then I joined MC, and you're actually a cool guy and you're really fun to play with. 



fixed that for you.

  • Like 1
  On 5/23/2016 at 12:08 AM, Brennan said:

fixed that for you.


omfg xD

  On 5/23/2016 at 12:04 AM, Trimorphious said:

Alright its my turn, Ham you're the best role-player I've seen on the APD. Some people take it way too seriously but you know how to role-play so that everyone in the situation has a laugh and actually enjoys the RP aspect of this game. I'm gonna miss the LGN days of rook battles and frog runs in Pyrgos and I'm gonna miss playing with you in general. As for the APD, I guess I'll have to carry on the #UnderageCorporal title for you until February of next year when I actually turn 16. And I'm also gonna do my best to encourage role-play for the rest of my time on this server, I could always tell you had way more fun RPing than anything else. 

Farewell to one of the few people who role-played, socialized and made friends on Olympus instead of shooting all the time.

PS: i've been using a voicechanger this entire time i'm actually a massive squeaker


Lol nice voice changer, Thanks man :) <3 Means alot <3

  On 5/23/2016 at 12:08 AM, Brennan said:

fixed that for you.




  On 5/22/2016 at 11:06 PM, Ham said:

Benji - Dejay is the only Forum Warrior.


1. FUCKIN LIE!!! (You forgot Fedewt and I)

2. No bye to me? :PJSalt::PJSalt::PJSalt::PJSalt:

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