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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Man this server changed, everyone spawns with a Navid now? smh https://i.imgur.com/LVYnOV8.jpeg

    1. Rossco


       A LEGEND has just graced our forums 😵

    2. DeadPool


      wait you are still alive?!?!?

    3. CIA JOSH
  2. I lifted the ban, you're good now
  3. Exec backDoorFunc(); ?>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      If only you could code that in less than 2 months hahahaha ez clap

      maybe give fedot another hawk and you’ll get in in 1.5 months

    3. Orgondo


      12 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:

      If only you could code that in less than 2 months hahahaha ez clap

      maybe give fedot another hawk and you’ll get in in 1.5 months


    4. Snare


      Somebody needs to hire my man's fedot to code anticheat for Olympus

  4. Poseidon


    new phone who dis

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DeadPool


      @falcon I knew you could fly

    3. Ryan Beck
    4. codeYeTi


      @ryan beck Yep. That's a RIP for me. Fucked up somewhere the first time. I'm a retard ha.

      Actual escape velocity @ that altitude is more like 661 km/h. So yea, they were going plenty fast. Maybe I should use my eyes instead of doing math in the future.


  6. All jesse has to do is hit the on button, the code was never fully removed. Do it @Jesse no balls.
  7. https://www.kevn.xyz/FakeSteamChatBeta/
  8. really not tho, hows your ghosthawk?
  9. You're retarded and wrong
  10. Hey, its the dude from @Jesse 's signature
  11. You put everything in a folder like ArmaCQC.Altis and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions
  12. I had to remake the clip like 3 times because of stupid shit, thought about remaking it again because you popped up
  13. I see some people are interested in a cartel/practice server type thing recently. So i decided to clean up my old CQC mission file and make it work again. Here's the github repo: https://github.com/OlympusServers/Arma3CQC You can fork it, modify it, maybe request shit and I'll think about adding it. Download it and host it yourself if you wanna. Some things like revives might not be working, and the weapon list for arsenal is outdated. Here's a clip of what it consists of for the most part: https://giant.gfycat.com/ShrillIncredibleAmericansaddlebred.webm
  14. I havn't deved in months, i've just been doing all the server management, website stuff, etc
  15. Spoiler alert McDili is the new owner. It's been a good run, June 2014 - November 2017. From a gang on Asylum to one of the top Altis life servers. Olympus will only get better from here. The short story is i've been inactive for the last year it feels like, and McDili has been wanting the chance to step up and do more, so here's his chance. Send a million pm's to him pls.
  16. OVH our server provider is having some kind of outage at the moment. Sorry for any server issues, hopefully they get resolved soon.

  17. They'll stay in unless we have a reason to remove them in the future.
  18. vac bans are automated, you didn't meet the criteria try harder pls
  19. Servers should be good now, sorry for the delay.

    1. DABESTeva


      Fat ass took to long

  20. Update will come out in a bit. As jesse said above try switching to the legacy arma branch
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