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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sho

  1. soooo what changed that I keep buying 50 redgull

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      wait u buy redgulls one at a time? lol what.

    3. Sho


      9 hours ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      wait u buy redgulls one at a time? lol what.

      Tf I buy seven at a time. Same with everything else 

    4. Linka


      I buy 15 15 15, 5, 3, 1

  2. o7 been a good friend since 501st, hope to still see you around

  3. Merry Christmas Everyone!:P

  4. To be honest already since last gang wars, gang life have gotten a lot bigger. We have MC back, TI is alive, cL survived, i is here now.
  5. @Corporal_Moob


    I bet you are both happy to be sharing a birthday. Try and make it a good one :bender-dance:

  6. is this what its like to play olympus in EU?

  7. There should be whole gang rewards for wars between gangs. Like a reward to create more competition between the gangs for most gang kills.

    Reward is taken from losing gang.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. silton


      30 minutes ago, Doc said:

      Or you guys could wager gang funds, winner gets the funds


      If that was an ingame feature yes, if it wasn't no one will give up the money

    3. BENJI


      2 hours ago, Space Cowboy said:

      No thanks, gangs are already cancerous enough


    4. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      No but if all gangs consent its something we have control over


  8. No, he's just following in the footsteps of legends. Everyone knows you have to get good and then disappear out of nowhere for half a year (at least) to be a true member.
  9. Let's get some of those good quotes I always hear coming out of last and viper "fuck about it"
  10. Usually, until about 400, a lower DPI means better aim control. To find a good dpi/sensitivity a generally good rule for all games is swipe your mouse from left to right on your pad, and at the perfect sense you will do a 360 turn, this way you can snap to anyone on either side of you.
  11. I'm not fighting for an actual gang or even considering winning, but hell I'm still gonna try hard and make it a good show.
  12. Can't find our current Trello, can somebody link it?

    1. DeadPool


      We don’t have one anymore we use to have a custom thing Jesse made but it’s not up atm

    2. Sho


      That's what I was looking for. It used to be linked, but I couldn't find it anymore.

      Thank you 

  13. What are rules on vehicles and who defends this time?
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