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Not Important

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Everything posted by Not Important

  1. Civ, because Rook
  2. YES! I used to fly down that thing on ny quad bike twas lit
  3. @Pinkstreaks events used to be the shit
  4. Casinos would be dank, I can spend my money on slots instead of rooks
  5. Waiting for 2020 for my dude Kanye.
  6. turn ur pc off, blow on your motherboard, count to 30 and turn it back on.
  7. blacklisted
  8. [WR] Best gang ever.
  9. HeyGuys

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darragh


      Wow Edgy teen makes a comeback,Noose up partner Its your time to shine


    3. Not Important

      Not Important

      ITS HIGH NOON mo-nica

    4. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      hi old friend 

  10. Good job young grasshopper, my rage quitting and god tier aim must of rubbed off
  11. Still am, didnt bring my pc. Miss my fellow memers. [WR] NEVER FORGET
  12. Fresh outta the womb
  13. Love u First time signing into the forums in months to see this sad to see you go my fellow memer
  14. Google my friend
  15. Rook
  16. What in the actual fuck did I just watch....
  17. fucking kek
  18. exactly, way better response than this
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