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Everything posted by Superiorr

  1. It was a bug and im glad they fixed it your not supposed to be able to shoot through the armour
  2. mfw people still dick ride ddosers and hackers
  3. I personally dont think cartel fighting will make a come back. The reason I stopped fighting and many others did is becuase we have so much time played, came to the realization that Arma engine is trash for competitive combat, sick of all the toxicity/cancer, and overall its just gotten boring.
  4. Wow great update! Lots of good things added and fixed.
  5. The seller gives you the illegal vehicle then you take it to a chop shop to claim it.
  6. All you need to know is they are testing your knowledge on the hand book so if you read and understand it you will be fine and like deadpool said if you dont understand a rule you can have a corp or fto explain it to you
  7. W/e not everyone knows what shit is worth. 2.2 mil with the 5 mags fair?
  8. 3 rip sold the one for 2.8 recently
  9. lethal. Its worth for some people since they don't have enough war points or don't do blackwaters
  10. one sold the other day for 2.8 with 4 mags
  11. starting bid 2.6 mil https://gyazo.com/f0fc8e93beb0340627edddbf255730c6
  12. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/superiorr/saved/Z2nGf7 Here is a build I made for a friend a month ago a little above your price range
  13. get rid of the 1tb hdd and get a 500gb sdd and I personally get aftermarket cards the evga sc2 is sick https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487337
  14. The proper way to afk cap armsasdasd

    1. Superiorr


      We haven't really had a "real" fight yet but I am seeing a lot of smaller gangs coming to cap it and on weekends when there is a lot of fighting it will be extremely important to hold so we will see a lot more fighting here for sure. @McDili

  15. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tCHB2R
  16. I think a mxm costs me 50k in apd shop ill sell em to you for 60k how many you want me to buy? joking btw
  17. Gonna want a good intel cpu i5 - i7 SSD helps a lot for arma 960 is still good for arma but if you're looking to upgrade a 1060 and up will be good
  18. Putting arma on a ssd helps so much with stuttering/freezing but if you really want a fps boost overclock that i7
  19. The sentence reduction is so niceFF93DCD2F91B620E250D9B6DEE98D5A18B406EDC

    1. falcon
    2. JaredPK


      Was expecting sarcasm but thats actually pretty dope.

  20. All this talk about the stats page but all I want back is the dislike button :happygary: 

    1. Jopple123
    2. iPopsicle


      Wish I could dislike this.

    3. Superiorr


      In all seriousness the stats page was dope, glad it's coming back.

    1. Homicide


      Dammm I should've been there would've smashed anybody 

  21. The one above airfield I used it to drive to warzone. Want 700k just offer https://gyazo.com/0489c895edc07d31033dd137f826ba49
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