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Genghis Khan

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Genghis Khan last won the day on March 4 2019

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About Genghis Khan

  • Birthday 11/17/1997

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  1. Just got sent straight to jail for my first offense of verbal insults.... Fucking dumb cop. @Parker Radley

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    2. Tman15tmb


      5 hours ago, I Am Fuzzy said:

      @Jesse Just because your a good dev, doesn't mean you have to be a smart ass.

      He's not being a smart ass. He's just telling you how it is. If you continue to do the same shit day in and day out and  get bored with it that is not the Dev's or the staffs problem. There are many activities to do on Olympus. You can be a vigi, be a citizen and try doing big ass legal runs, become a medic, join the APD, go hunt turtles, go to the hunting grounds, create your own taxi company, become a drug kingpin, sell drugs in the cities, be a guide for new players and have them pay you for your service, be a rebel and rob people, take people hostage, rob the fed, rob bw, do jail breaks, rob gas stations, steal cars, become a private military contractor, form your own private militia, the list could go on. There are more than enough activities to get involved with on Olympus. It's not our problem if you are stubborn and choose not to partake in other activities.

    3. Phizx


      This is probably the only time you'd see me agree with the tard, but I have to say @I Am Fuzzy is stating complete facts. As a gang leader myself (having played sessions of over 15-16 hours a day as civ) I can easily say gang life is utterly dead. Sit in any teamspeak and wait for people to come in and the first thing you'll here is "Is anyone fighting?" "Nope, Olympus is dead right now" and that right now continues for a majority of the day until you get maybe 1 or 2 fights and then everyone gets off. @McDili I have to disagree with you on this, because we're not looking at "peak moments". Back when we had Cartel Warzone, MC , TI, and Burban went on and on in nonstop 10v10v10's and you can't even deny that. You can grab a loadout and join in a fight at any time of day and it was always full of people to fight on the daily. It was like that until we removed warzone and cut the cartels in half and that is when fighting started at a slow but steady decline. You guys might not care, neither do I, but if Olympus doesn't make any changes with the shit we're complaining about, that'll be the last you hear from me on the server as well as many others.

    4. Tman15tmb


      I swear some people just ignore what I write. If you do the same shit everyday you're going to get bored with the server. If you get bored with the server then take a break. No one is forcing you to do the same crap day in and day out.

      Too be honest I'm tired of the bitching. There are plenty of players that enjoy the server for what it is. Yes Dev's are going to make changes and add more stuff as time moves forward but the Dev's are not here to cater to the public. If you're getting bored doing the same shit everyday then choose to do something different. If you're stubborn and choose not to partake in other activities then that's your own fault. Go play king of the hill if you enjoy camping one area or go play wasteland if all you want to do is get in big gun fights all the time. Not saying Altis Life is meant for everyone. Clearly some people get bored with it. Instead of giving ideas on how to improve the server or giving new suggestions most people just choose to bitch and cry until they get what they want and that has no positive effect on changing the server.

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