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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. This isn't really trivia. more like random BS
  2. This is Rdm to @Miller 


    1. Sociopathic


      lmao, I love how he tries to undo it.


    2. iPopsicle


      Was that a combat log after? :Kappa:

    3. Dangus


      Ignis........ I think it was. #exposed.

  3. But this shitter did this to me a long time ago while he was in VX and I was in U we were not even in a red zone lmao.
  4. I have some Ghost Recon wildlands beta keys hmu if you want to earn one.

  5. lol then you have my post right after this. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKeK
  6. this one is better
  7. @Fedot I heard you broke the stats page? Is this true and if so... FIX IT!

  8. You are fucking dumb.
  9. So I get my 4Mill? And if you add up all the times you roast me you would owe me like 12mill.
  10. I played to 3am well into the next day there for I played for more than 24hrs straight like the bet said. Not counting the one time I textured bugged and the 2x I blacked screened. I played for about 25hrs I took a shower witch was like 30min if that. If the stats page was not hidden I could easily prove you and plumber wrong.
  11. Your a dumb fucking poopy face. What are you even chatting about I dont even civ in the video. And I count days from when I wake up to sleep, but the point is I was on cop for 25hrs straight so now he owes me 4mill.
  12. And I was on cop for the whole time, ask @OutCast I got on when he got on one day and got off when he got on the next day, also Deputy Urban was on for 16hrs with me. Dont mind the background noise my family is just watching the Royal Rumble. But yeah @Plumber wheres my money hoe!
  13. @Plumber Give me my 4mill.................................

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      Damn dude called you a poopy face. 

    3. Danger


      Shots fired.....

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @Plumber your a mong I started at 1:42am and went until the next day at like 2:50am look between those 2 days.

  14. @Plumber The 24hr cop challenge starts now. It's 1:42am.

    1. Plumber


      4M says you cant. I'll check your time the entire time. You are allowed 3 breaks for 30 min each. BET YOU CANT!

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @Plumber Hey nice new tags man. ;) I'll also be glad to take your money.

    3. JoeL


      You in bed yet Frank?

  15. 200k for the gun and 25k for all the mags.
  16. Deadpool is a bitch ill give you 6mill.
  17. yeah thats my lesbo friend. lmao Its a great meme.
  18. I could have fucked you harder, Just saying. I will spend all my funds to titan you down bitch. Dont try me.
  19. I fucking hate you. hold up im about to get my free jet back. @Tman15tmb does my jet come upgraded?
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