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Everything posted by Hats

  1. anyone have a razer Mamba that stops working every now and then.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Check and make sure the drivers are up to date, other than that sounds like your mouse is old and needs to be replaced

    3. Civak


      Go to Device Manager and then the properties of everything under HID, Mice, and USB controllers. Click on the Power Management tab and UNCHECK "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" then save. Also go to your Power & Sleep Settings > Additional power settings > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings > USB settings > USB selective suspend setting > DISABLED.

    4. Hats


      ok thx you will do :wub:

  2. I love this Community.:wub:

  3. Happy Birthday @King :wub:

  4. Happy Birthday  @Scribble :) YOU THE MAN

  5. Happy early Birthday @Scribble

  6. @Benjamin Remer because  we love you.

  7. congrats @Benjamin Remer now you can help me up. 

  8. Congrats @Queachy welcome back to the APD nice to have yah 

  9. Happy Birthday @Viper

    1. Viper


      Aw thanks my dude :)

  10. Congrats @Benjamin Remer on corp 

    1. BENJI


      Thank you hats :wub:

  11. thxs
  12. Happy Birthday Poseidon. :taylor:

    1. Tommy12


      49 years old old 

  13. 07 Man have a good one.
  14. Happy Birthday Sandman

  15. RIP
  16. Add more gun stores in kavala for a day
  17. i play with my hands
  18. 11
  19. Ti first round ya i love Olympus
  20. There is still a guy waiting for the door of the server to unperm him and that is my man Queach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWs111y_aYw&t=19s
  21. @Queachy try it
  22. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1101728509
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