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About Ajax

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 06/24/2001

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    : Doing support tickets
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  1. Looks like they handled that pretty well to me...
  2. im tellin yall, ever since harambe died things have been getting exponentially more out of wack. we got a storm brewin.
  3. did you not read the 50 messages that pop up and the self humiliation text matching requirement confirming that you want to ban yourself and that it is irreversible? No point in banning yourself from the casino if you can just be unbanned upon request.
  4. Looks good and right on time, Friday at 4:40pm! Lets get it pushed to prod before the weekend!
  5. looks a ton better... now you just gotta add a bunch of validation checks to ensure the system wont be abused, like restricting the number of tickets an individual player can buy (we all know Olympus players will abuse the hell out of a game mechanic given the ability). Gonna need you to also tie it into the current code base and have it update the database as needed. also get rid of the generic chatGPT comments, that way it will be harder to determine if you are a genius programmer that has extensive knowledge on any language/ platform or if you have no idea what you are doing and are just pasting your error messages back into the chatbot hoping that it spits out working code. I suggest adding a few inline comments yourself that don't make much sense so when your code breaks they have to ask you to fix it and cant just read the comments and figure out why it broke, little trick to ensure job security.
  6. under the assumption that the code is designed to be run on the client from the use of the 'life_bank' variable and the 'Play Powerball' action being attached to the _player you've got a few scope issues. As it stands you currently have every player that uses the 'Play Powerball' action generating their own set of winning numbers which will most definitely not work as intended. This is a prime example of why using ChatGPT to generate code isn't a great idea (most of the time), especially for complex scripts that require both server side and client side implementation. While the logic of the code is relatively sound, the scope it is being run in would cause issues. The only tasks that should take place on the client is the actual buying of the ticket. The numbers, both individual ticket numbers and winning numbers, should be generated server side so that the server can perform error handling to ensure the generated numbers are valid (no duplicate player ticket numbers). Getting a bit nit pickey here but the prize pool should also be stored either globally or server side and it shouldn't be a constant as the prize pool should grow with each drawing until someone wins it. There are a few more issues with this code but they would get filtered out when converting this script from only client side to both client and server. Regardless of the issues found in the code sample you provided I have decided to 'Very Accept' this application! welcome to the dev team! Anyway... @ Milo when powerball?!?!?
  7. well you started the topic for sure... are you going to support these claims with something or should I just start throwing accusations around with no evidence as well? guys I saw @ SheriffJohnBeard titan a medic while he was on cop!!! just check logs APD are abusing!
  8. I don't understand how you tolerate constant sub 20 frames. I'll never complain about only getting 75 fps again...
  9. the real question i, how can dumping an ifrit into the ocean be considered combat storing but purposefully rotor tapping your heli so it can't be stolen not?!
  10. I'm a firm believer that the casino was added as a way to remove money from circulation because there is just too damn much of it going around. I would be interested in seeing some statistics behind the casino. I really wonder how much money the "house" has won vs. lost over the years.
  11. what do y'all have your aim down sights, switch sights and zooming keybinds set to? I feel like no matter what combination of keybinds I set my zoom always gets messed with in unpredictable ways when aiming down sights, zooming in on the reflex, and/or swapping scopes.
  12. yeah just go ahead and give me my prize we all know im winning it...
  13. that's my senior web developer!
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