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Everything posted by andrewfam

  1. Nah just a wheelchair one in general lol
  2. Pretty sure Isaac fatnose threatened me with a harassment ban for something similar to that
  3. Shit yea i just put my glasses on, 10/10 would bang
  4. your grim ngl
  5. Game over. Gang wars was shit, not because of the staff, because of the packet wars. Shame really.

  6. andrewfam


  7. Always a sound lad, cya bro
  8. mk1 is better imo, i just use mk18 for a change
  9. daddy gaf, that should say eL Gafski
  10. andrewfam


    ti bud, best gang rn imo
  11. andrewfam


    read the title and thought this would be bill's post lol
  12. Cheers for the gang wars lads, was great fun x

  13. dont you play asylum as well? hello?
  14. i had sex two times yesterday!!!!!
  15. god this is cringe
  16. eatmeth needs a haircut
  17. man looked like a bulldog with acne
  18. It is but yes, but it has also re-awoken cartel fighting so I like it
  19. people sometimes do memetages which are just montages with funny bits in there
  20. ah just stop talking fat sh*t, go pay some more money maybe you get moderator this time!!!
  21. Rip dude, wanted mc to make a comeback so fights would be fun again
  22. I think it should be wiped, I also think you shouldn't get a point for killing a naked
  23. im pretty scared
  24. you dont need to overclock that processor if you have that graphics card + ssd as well lol... But i mean if you want to there is plenty of tutorials on yt
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