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Everything posted by DashTonic

  1. On the side note if you talk to @Aresmake sure you bring a translator

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Stuuurrt we need you, now more than ever 

    2. Stuuurrt
    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Stuuurrt translator stuuurt, you got this 

  2. Anyone wanna help me fund my sucide vests there getting expensive

  3. Anaconda Song by Nicki Minaj
  4. The game is over after 613c2fff96d8130d71f2300f908833a5.png congrats @Zeuse on winning

    1. Zeuse


      830 replies oh my

  5. https://gyazo.com/d545a64b697d84f455aa8ad0919f80fc @Zeuse key 23ZuGuQc1rlMJE1LkUjgdsyk
  6. yea i just wanted to wast someone time if they went back to see if i actally did lol
  7. im surprize nobody saw that i gave out the key to the bf5 bit by bit XD
  8. I never didsaid that I can't play
  9. I give everyone a cookie if you posting
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