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Everything posted by asdasd123

  1. LOL and now it says 797 most online if you cant tell its a joke then you are retarded and you made a "minitage" off of your first kill at a cartel please be quiet.
  2. Litterally just 2 tapped 2 huge youtubers lol one was gassy mexican its on his stream LOL

  3. Im sorry who are you??!/1/1//1
  4. hes a god, He has to hack and use pulldowns. Tbh im just a
  5. yeah uh I dont think I gave you permission to quote me if you wanna talk to me than be semi relevant okay? Show me your montage or come to a cartel. I R R E L E V A N T
  6. I doubt gang wars racked up 500 members on the forums at once tbh.
  7. And it also says the most online we had went from 420 to 500 something. I doubt that ever happend the max I see is like 50 lol
  8. Just bought the Logitech G340 Headset, tell me if it was a bad choice


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. asdasd123


      I wanna ask but I don't wanna ask how that happend

    3. Linka


      @Auri these are better than krakens and they are better when wired 

    4. Corbaaan


      @platinumfire I was fucking around with my brothers dog and ran after him forgetting they were on my head.

  9. I wanted to buy one a while back when I was designing like all the time but I forgot about it overtime
  10. Do you have a drawing tablet for graphics design?
  11. wen u sneek owt of ur rum 2 c if u kan say hi 2 santa

  12. Merry Christmas ill be giving out arma 3 lessons -50% off! If you are interested PM me some of you really need them




  13. #3 Mailbox
  14. #2 Gay
  15. Lost is fucking amazing so is prison break
  16. Was gonna reply with a 3000 word essay of how you are wrong but you intimidated me and when I said essay I dont mean it as homie or friend I mean the writing thing
  17. don't upgrade just get a ssd
  18. Im going to use that next time I shoot my team when they are restrained, thanks
  19. Yeah you must get pretty hungry sitting in athira doing nothing but waiting for bountys to spawn
  20. Most tactical has to go out to jonny from bfo, kids a legend. Read More
  21. Denied
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