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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. un-happy birthday you piece of shit.
    @Fat Clemenza

  2. Server 3 is closed from 2AM to 2PM (I think) during the "offseason" If you tend to play at night, I'd recommend Server 1 or 2
  3. What a riveting donation goal!
  4. Does this mean that @xDRO has a chance at APD now?
  5. Creepy


    I'll burn your stupid local French library down. You won't even be able to read books.
  6. I can smell the shit winds changing.. Rex about to get usurped.
  7. Can anyone else use their modem as a panini press right now?

    1. QKSILVR73


      mine gets pretty toasty

      I think I need a new one. I lose internet after several hours of gaming

  8. Sounds like someone hasn't had enough pizza.
  9. Are all of the grammatical mistakes in this thread on purpose? I feel like I'm missing a joke somewhere.
  10. Congrats @xDRO

    You finally did it buddy!

  11. Start a collection plate in Ruby TS. I'm sure they will help you!
  12. Grab a PSU.
  13. If it's not overheating, there's a 5% chance there's a leaky motherboard cap and a 95% chance your PSU is failing. Install https://www.nzxt.com/camapp for temp monitoring.
  14. Punishment for being a rat.
  15. Let this man earn a living.
  16. No other offers?
  17. Your offer is noted
  18. Currently entertaining offers for the DP 23 gang shed on server 3
  19. For the record, @Egnazio piped him with an armed plane and we impounded your truck. Don't exaggerate.
  20. I miss you already.
  21. I've gotten used to losing a mag while dying. It's losing a mag while healing or looking at my map that has me triggered.
  22. Is anyone else bleeding mags for no reason? I feel like this might have started around the time the re-pack feature was released. If you'll check the video below, you'll see that I had 10 mags, opened my map, and then had 9. I left rebel with 16 mags and hadn't been in a fight yet. Is it just me or is this happening to anyone else? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni0oPbk4skQ
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