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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. go off
  2. 94bc76f0357829255e6551c997f1864f.png

    We're going off boys! #KEEPGANGLIFEALIVE

  3. This guy's rap sheet is actually impressive.
  4. Are you RPing as a ghost?
  5. @N7Zero When did you become so angry bro?!
  6. Hey Happy Birthday! I didn't know you are old like me!

    1. Pinkstreak


      You're so sweet.... Thank you!! Lol

  7. I actually respect that you're attempting to "clear the air" even though you know there's a real chance you're going to get flamed on the forums. @Kamikaze
  8. @hawk Happy Birthday you mouth breather!

    1. hawk


      Thanks brother, i'll make sure to come fuck around in BW TS ;)

  9. Server 3 or die.
  10. For all you beta's out there..


  11. As previously stated, yes. He was in the right.
  12. For everyone that did not get promoted to Corporal this week:
    Please return to your regularly scheduled playing hours.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1


      2 hours ago, communistjosh said:

      Cant say for certain but I do believe we will see some more here soon

      Daddy is coming home with a belt.

  13. @Luke Duke Who gave this man suppressors?!

  14. @BananaHammock shutup nerd
  15. I prefer to live in a universe where the next logical choice for Dunder Mifflin to open an office is Pawnee, Indiana.
  16. @NokiaStrong Congratulations!

    1. NokiaStrong


      Wowo thanks and congrats on being born on this day! 18 years ago, and now we’re here in a blink of an eye!

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