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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. Confirmed.
  2. @Sandman APD applications closed?

    1. sandman


      Yes for about 2 - 8 hours or something, by tomorrow should be back up and running.

  3. Damn, I look good in red

  4. No
  5. More Corporals will fix all problems.

  6. Everything is fine. Nothing to see here!
  7. Is this the real Sho or that guy that uses his name?
  8. Cartel Event at 8PM EST on Server 2. Show up ready to make sweet, sweet love to your gang enemies. We will be sponsoring loadouts and vehicles, within reason. Please PM @Hylos with any questions!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ryan


      @vedalkenn If it’s a stupid question I believe you know the answer already 😛  

    3. Truthy
    4. Chris J.
  9. The ice cream hurt my foot
  10. Someone should probably update the gfx to reflect that it's 2020 now
  11. Damn thought that was the next corporal
  12. Where could one purchase this? Asking for a friend.. @Hylos
  13. Cracks me up every time.
  14. Dude this was like.. over a month ago. Let it go.
  15. There's only 4 people that can do comp requests and 2 of them are on LOA for the holidays. You're just going to have to be patient. I'd help you if I could.
  16. #CreepyByChristmas @destruct
  17. Yes. Our admins are very busy doing.. more stuff.
  18. Well I guess the solution is just to tax it and ram it down our throats, eh?
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