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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. I think @Unjo did it better
  2. Thanks a lot @Unjo
  3. Wait I want to see this @Queef
  4. If you're not brushing your tongue than just dont bother brushing your teeth.
  5. Happy Birthday @Treebeard weird that your birthday is the same of someone who's mentally retarded. @KGB JOSH

    1. Treebeard


      must Be the day then huh.

    2. Rossco
  6. Fuck this guys old @KGB JOSH 😏

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Currently awaiting my medicare

  7. Nope retired staff can sell their shit.
  8. Yes you can
  9. ecf34f85f0e6dbb04985826ee6831a33.png

    1. billdroid


      Have u finished rewatching the clone wars yet?

    2. Noodles:D


      @billdroid S4 over half way there

  10. @Hoonter Are you getting some birthday dick today?

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Nice job posting copyrighted material retard. See ya in court 

    2. Noodles:D


      I'm the one who copyrighted it. Now I know you need this book.

  11. Ride the waves love you
  12. This idea was brought up a long time ago and I thought it was a great idea. I think we should make it to where black characters can run faster & Hispanic characters can process coke faster & white characters get bigger paychecks and lower prison sentences. @Fake Grandma was a supporter of this idea. Lmk what you guys think, I think it's time for this server to get even better! @KGB JOSH
  13. @AstralC Wooow. Congrats dude didn't expect that.

  14. Happy Birthday you cutie


    @Panda :)

  15. Okay Communism has failed every time it has ever been tried. Many people who support Communism say that every single country that has tried it has done it wrong. How would you change what they did to make Communism better than capitalism?
  16. Yeah but with communism there is no incentive to make any better products because you don't earn anything more. No matter what you invent or what product or service you make better your pay will still be the same as everyone else's. Communism=bad
  17. o7 buddy you will be missed
  18. o7 man I always enjoyed talking to you
  19. If we lowball you do we get doxxed?
  20. Honestly you should've gotten admin a long time ago all you did was put in work for staff and they did nothing for you.
  21. He will be missed. Unless I'm allowed to keep him
  22. Well my time for stepping down on the APD has come. I'm not quitting the server I still want to try to pursue staff. But after some thought and school coming up I knew I wouldn't have the time or the effort to put that into the APD anymore. It was always fun and I met a lot of great people along the way. I would like to thank everyone that has helped me or played with me while I've been on the APD. Finally, a special thank you to @KGB JOSH when we were PO's I got to a point to when I wanted to quit but I only stayed because you wanted me to. With all that being said thank you everyone for such a great time. Oh and @ChrisGG I still hope you get perfect 360 waves one day. It'll be like the ocean.
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