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About Cech

  • Birthday 02/28/2003

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Confused atm, who won the GW and did anyone get banned for that smoke thingy?

    1. proud


      no one banned, sinity won cuz TI fuckin suck, and jarvis is crying his eyes out cuz he wants the win so bad

      is basically all ❤️ 

  2. Cech

    Cartel Life

    I'm pretty sure the server has the potential to become more of a cartel server again seeing as some members have gotten unbanned, more people are starting to play (Mostly on S1 and S3). What the problem is that when 15 people sit on cap and wants another gang of 8 or 9 to push, that is quite hard even if the 8 people are good since all the spots will be covered. Let's bring back the organized fights we had back in 2016 and early 2017 where people decided who should push and who to defend.
  3. happy bday @lou25000

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      Thank you my EU brother!

  4. happy bday nibba

  5. HAPPY BDAY -A- Cech

  6. Anyone who knows the farthest shot in Fortnite with a sniper? 

    1. callumlol


      I hit a 300m before, but im sure its like 350-400

    2. Snare


      Lol no people have hit above 1k I believe 1.4 is on YouTube

  7. Why not ask the community for a solution?
  8. I bought CS, got 1$ on a site, worked up to 5$, went all in green and won 70$. Did the same thing again and was up to 140$, went again and won again XDDD

    1. RogueMK


      addiction comes in many forms!! good luck!!

    2. Orgondo


      Yeah im down 600...

  9. 1. IGN: [MC] Cech 2. How did you find Olympus?: Moved to Olympus when my gang on a different server changed to here. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I have probably got a better memory but I dont remember much from before My gang were doing a run, we had all like tempest devices and such filled with moonshine and we were gonna head to the distributor. We were around 8-9 trucks and then a guy from our gang (Can't remember his name though since everyone used troll names at the time) and he rammed into one of the trucks and it blew up and then we stopped and the next truck blew up and then the next one and then all suddenly only 2 of us were left
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