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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. I want to hear the communities opinion on cartels. Whether you like them how they are/want them changed/ or just want them removed. In my opinion, 6 cartels is just way too many. It really takes away from the game having to cap 6 cartels because big gangs just sit there capping all day leaving few civs left for cops to engage with or other civs to fight with/engage with who aren't in a big gang. I believe that this server thrived when there weren't cartels and i think there is a reason for that. IDK its just my opinion but i want to hear everyone else comment on it.
  2. o7 ;( ' ' ' ....
  3. rip to my battle buddy and main squeeze ghostface.

    1. Ham


      wut happened?


  4. fuck me i love you moose known you far too long
  5. Shoutout to PcP for bringin the quality forum entertainment lately.

  6. Freshie walks up to me with the freshie sandals on and asks "Where do i buy shoes?"
  7. dolla sweet tea from mcdonalds i drink that.
  8. I miss when fights would happen in the most random spots, those were the days.

    1. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      Friday mc faugjt the cops in the middle of some  random field in sofia

    2. Gidgit
    3. Chaotix


      Oh you thought you were safe all the way in the southeast part of the island at DP 23? Hands up and count to 5 m8.

  9. Olympus. Come for Altis Life. Stay for the drama.

    1. Rich Homie Quan

      Rich Homie Quan

      s t o r y o f m y l i f e 

  10. Lets get an unban on Ronald Raygun

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I whole-heartedly second this motion. MY NIQQAH

    2. Tdog


      Lol Ronald and Roger together was always fun times

  11. All these years i coudlve been fuckin a grapefruit.

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      grapefruits dont grow in alaska

    2. Rich Homie Quan

      Rich Homie Quan

      'feels like gettin head and gettin laid at the same time'

    3. brodyunderwood1


      "what are you gonna do with that? is it gonna burn? and all that other thing"

  12. GL man.
  13. keep on rollin man. it sucks but it will get better.
  14. Kyle and Dejay v NW = squad wipe x2 with no deaths. EZPZ

  15. EatMeth finally gets corporal.....2 months too late but atleast it happened!

    1. EatMeth
    2. drama


      Who is EatMeth?

    3. EatMeth


      Do you not know about The Church Of EatMeth :)

  16. SHIT. My partner in crime is gone!

    1. Adaptation


       No worry man im here

  17. Colonel Sanders gets Finger Lickin' Fucked - Corporal_Moob 2015

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Sounds like the kinda guy that needs to stay the fuck away from chicken and kids...

    2. Vitalis


      What did I just read... :mellow:

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