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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. hello i know a lot of people hate MC but if we could have access to our teamspeak that would be great thank you please stop firing your lasers

    1. Ham
    2. Lethal
    3. SPBojo


      thats what you get for perming me from the teamspeak :KappaHD:(no im not the shooter of le laser)

  2. wont paste my image in there for some reason rip
  3. 1. Most Dominate Gang : R&R 2. Favorite Player : Marty 3. Favorite current APD Member : Clemenza 4. Favorite R&R Member : PETA 5. Favorite former APD member : Hamofmoose 6. Favorite former R&R : DesertFox. 7. Kavala Troll King : EatMeth 8. Favorite time on the server : Old server 2 with KI, Nerdz, BFO, and IS 9. Funniest Moment : pretty much anytime someone gets arma'd and i witness it. 10. Something you want in the community : bring back wasteland or KOTH and a cqc server. 11. Favorite Quote : "you're just a stinky alaskan white tank top wearing donger" - Corporal_moob
  4. ayyyyyyy BFO server 2 was the shit back then. some people will never know the wars that went on. oh man the memories.
  5. nerdz
  6. just use common sense really, if you need to taze them more then twice for whatever reason its not an issue say your pinned down in a building but have tazed 1 person - re tazing him until its safe to restrain him is ok i'm pretty sure

  8. "they thinkin of disbandin swat cuz you got in it" GaFSki

    my bad guys

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Gafski


      intention, i said memory.

    3. Ham


      I don't even see the post that says it anymore :(

      Goldfish can remember up to five months actually.

  9. atleast my mom said happy valentines to me i get hella girls dude [*]

    1. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      sorry sir but you are violating the meme copyright laws of 2013. Im going to have to ask that you take this post down

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I was going to the gym to pick up some... weights, but the fucking place is closed. I'm fuckin disgusted! Ain't no way I can win. 

  10. =

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ham
    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      I dont want to hear it



      At least yours was a 3 Day

    4. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      No... I heard TheRealKyle was a super racist tho.

  12. Any vehicle that supports animating doors, then opens when the vehicle is unlocked, closes when locked ROFL
  13. smell you later family

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI
    3. Dejay


      benji, I find that very offensive. I'll be submitting that. Thanks

    4. TheRealKyle
  14. hello i'm white and i'm offended by the color of the forums

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danger


      Yes he did lol

    3. Ham


      Ya boy Benji

    4. TheRealKyle


      cant beat me in game so does it through reports kek

  15. I thought M stood for Mayhem not Montage

    1. Ham


      Hehehehehehehehehehehe :D Mine will be out tomorrow or the day after ;)


    2. brodyunderwood1


      inb4 ANOTHER gang name change and rusty asks me to lock mayhem recruitment post on the forums.

  16. S E V E N D I G I T S B O Y Z

  17. please for the love of god can i play games with my friends

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. grizzlybear


      damn that really sucks, I wish this ddos shit would just end.

    3. ToeKnee


      Yo Kyle I'm coming to Alaska we can lan 

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      It WILL be stopping. that's a promise, But I don't think that person is gonna like how it's done.


     A rare rage from myself.

  19. "Nooo..... It was a new change. Cops weren't allowed to just arrest people that are on the wanted list. They had to have solid proof / evidence of who the person was. They could still tilde, but not people just running around. They could only tilde to engage to know who to text for engaging a car or heli. " k just incase u didnt realize what post everyone was talking about
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