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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. I'll sell a two crater (s3) 800m from pro for the same price
  2. Stats page? Haven't heard that name in a while.

  3. Alright starting price 2.5mil
  4. @Sgt. Dangle leave offers here please
  5. Wow we should meet up some time. I'm just as creative
  6. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/850468045088169264/494466051DBE13D6E7D49A709D92A996F9CA3A27/ Don't be a wanker please. leave all offers below
  7. If you can hold it for like 2more days I'll give you 1.6mil for it
  8. Free my man @Homicide

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount
    3. HyperGoat


      4 minutes ago, Panera said:

      Free my boy


    4. Homicide


      Thanks guys but yea hella people hate me but it's all good 

  9. Guessing you only just passed step 3
  10. I'll double that offer
  11. Suggestion:No
  12. 5% price buff on illegal runs for July donation goal?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount


      if you read the status update I left you would see I stated illegal

    3. Pledge


      5 hours ago, Orgondo said:

      Lol sure, my gang has no problems getting even more money haha

      Store in gangshed plz :3

    4. Orgondo


      @Pledge not part of our routine sorry

  13. Can someone find me one of these corrupt staff members @Bdx keeps going on about, I need myself some admin esp.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. SPBojo


      Tfw you say he protects me and im not even EcL

    3. LongInactiveAccount


      All you rats are the same. 

    4. Orgondo


      This shit is fucking priceless

  14. Was gonna try and help out but okay
  15. Lad what did he scam you for
  16. I completely understand sir and I value the right to freely express yourself.
  17. What did he scam you for? Guessing you shag him you hill billy fuck
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Randyy


      28 minutes ago, rp slayer said:

      wow you just learned to inspect element nice job

    3. silton


      21 minutes ago, Randyy said:

      wow you just learned to inspect element nice job

      ^^^ kek

    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      2 hours ago, bigPat said:

      this is why we should have nuked the fuck out of Europe. 

      Please dont kill me #europe

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