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Bloodmoon last won the day on January 26 2021

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About Bloodmoon

APD Officer

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  1. Yall just can't get a ban to stick can you? :4head:

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. proud


      Yo Charles I don’t think u know but my son Ryan hits the gym ona daily basis he gon put u 6 ft under if u don’t shut that fucking black hole u like to call a mouth

      my son gon fuck u up so don’t fuck wit him 

    3. Savage


      @Ryan thanks for coming at me

      @Charels i just read all this and i realized that ur getting upset over a video game. i went to the same school sy my son ryan and if u think hes a fat virgin behind a keyboard your wrong, go back to your shitty life that consists of spending 8+ hours on a forum page and talking shit to people that do nothing but bring to you what you have fun on

    4. Ryan


      @Savage Sorry buddy had to @ you to prove my point :wub:

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