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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. @Zahzi @Ryan ive had 2 full runs completely wiped today because my cars keep despawning on respawn even when im right next to them and they have y inv in them. smh 1.5m down the drain

  2. @PURE P.K The state of your gang haha 

  3. show if the person is banned on stats v2

  4. :booniel0l:

    We now have a direct link between being a script kiddy and being a paedophile! 

  5. how yall gonna unban bastro in a day but leave my ban appeal open for 2 weeks

  6. For the stats page monkeys, what does 'The beginning' mean 8e9f43ca387575320c9388a5bd3321d3.png

  7. 977bd977afa9c11b6b50f8d288a90cad.png

    This is pretty worrying IMO. I don't think there should be more active chief whitelists than all of Sapd combined. The better the equipment the more rare it should be.

  8. Firsf chief in a while to look out for his people and try to represent his officer's best interests. Say what you will about his leadership style and internal gripes but the push for transparency, oversight and inclusion of the Jr APD into the decision making process Sandman rolled out in 2 months was more than Chiefs with much longer tenures achieved in eras with less resistance towards the APD.


    In my close to 3 years as an APD officer I can say I've only seen a handful of seniors who match the passion and drive that you had, in my opinion are one of the few seniors to take the concept of servant leadership to heart and I can only hope the next chief is as motivated and dedicated to his subordinates as you were.

  9. *Unpopular opinion* when cars blow up they should drop the virtual items in a suitcase...

  10. Is it a meme or are people being serious about @Sandman he’s not doing that bad of a job y’all just like to complain. Give the man a break controlling a bunch of retard no life’s like half the APD is definitely a hard job

  11. Is it a meme or are people being serious about @Sandman he’s not doing that bad of a job y’all just like to complain. Give the man a break controlling a bunch of retard no life’s like half the APD is definitely a hard job

  12. Is it a meme or are people being serious about @Sandman he’s not doing that bad of a job y’all just like to complain. Give the man a break controlling a bunch of retard no life’s like half the APD is definitely a hard job

  13. Maybe the inactive SAPD should change the whitelist applications on TS to [CLOSED] when they aren't giving tests (23 hours out of the day)

    1. Bloodmoon


      9 hours ago, Ryan said:

      "the sAPD are replaceable"


    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  14. Maybe the inactive SAPD should change the whitelist applications on TS to [CLOSED] when they aren't giving tests (23 hours out of the day)

    1. Bloodmoon


      Shit bro, making a comment on the forums is really hard.

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  15. Maybe the inactive SAPD should change the whitelist applications on TS to [CLOSED] when they aren't giving tests (23 hours out of the day)

    1. Bloodmoon


      1 hour ago, Millennium said:

      Roundtable discussions:

      Civ Council: actually debating

      Staff: actually debating

      APD:                                                          🦗

      Actually true, although I can't blame all of sapd, pretty sure it's just sandman that doesn't allow them to post.

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  16. https://gyazo.com/c75e435cea4701bfb47cf1e8d077ef7d

    Lets see how much i can lose in the stock market. ^_^

  17. https://gyazo.com/c75e435cea4701bfb47cf1e8d077ef7d

    Lets see how much i can lose in the stock market. ^_^

  18. https://gyazo.com/c75e435cea4701bfb47cf1e8d077ef7d

    Lets see how much i can lose in the stock market. ^_^

  19. im still NOT buying cheats please DONT message me i WONT buy them

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