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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. I am a shit mod too?
  2. So like uhhh when is the Bad Blood crew coming back miss you lots :wub:

  3. dont take it down forever otherwise we have to sell gang shed and houses
  4. Uhhh lemme sell my stuff on sever 3 then
  5. I want to see Masons Angels 1st round TI
  7. R6 everyone is getting smacked
  8. Welcome back .nxs shooter @last @DABESTeva I think it's time we have everyone
  9. Roses are red violets are blue and you are nothing but cute
  10. Exposed just close the thread already
  11. Bring back the topic!! We will get those TP DDOSERS!!!

    1. Masonn


      Just so all are aware we are still looking for all these suspects.

    2. Cale


      the thing is 156 replies, thats more than jerrod had to read over summer for "sped school" as @Mason Statham would say

  12. Actually you could make 3x -4x that amount in the same time by doing like a moonshine or meth run constantly in the period of time gang wars is going on, they've also been saying the economy has been fucked up for like 2 years now so they probably won't change anything
  13. oh look who it is
  14. You just have SOOOO many tricks up your sleeve don't you
  15. @Mycri the boy is shutting down his servers sorry for the bad news
  16. Hello gamer
  17. So gang wars that Ryan said he already is going to do
  18. @Arigato best admin there was to ever live and jesse will wish you a happy b-day soon if he didnt forget about your fatass

  19. Vcx


    The fact that the arguement that taking off doors isn't always "reliable" and "working" is an eh arguement because people still don't use frits regardless and don't push in the way they should with frits because people are too scared the risk of losing the frit to people out weighs the reward of not losing the frit because they are so expensive on top of an 150k+ loadout even though taking off the doors might not always work 100% of the time it will encourage people to just slam anyways because they have the need and feeling of tanking even though in reality quilins are just cheaper and don't even tank like they used to and it's I'm sure people find It the same that spraying out a quilin is easy if you just look at it with ya know you're scope and aim at the driver though I feel like if they were 100k like they were before it causes less problems because there still won't be that much of them but they don't get a massive thought of risk and reward with losing it and if they don't add anything anymore to cartel fights like they used to they can just be taken out again there is no harm in trying something different from several options to try to bring back something people have been asking for
  20. How much for war points I already pmed you
  21. Vcx


    Oml it's a TP scammer!!!!
  22. Vcx


    look who's back
  23. Plague asks to fight yet they don't push and log nice 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vcx


      Your third world computer and you can't even @ me you've only been ran off the server countless times you never have had cap and never will 

    3. JuanDeaged


      What gang is this kid in?

    4. Zakaloko


      I believe his in Tp

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