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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. Imagine being banned for scripting luv you
  2. imagine thinking forum rep matters
  3. Vcx


    Castle cartel best cartel
  4. Fun fights best ive had in Arma in a while today then a hacker comes 

  5. Stop ddosing me because you get smacked in fights plz and thanks 

    1. maxg
    2. proud


      no one knows u who would hit u lmaoo???

  6. Happy birthday noma @nomadox

  7. forgot i had you on steam
  8. Missed you dude, i know we haven't talked in a while
  9. I know im late but happy birthday @Xlax you dumb bot i miss the old days on cap

  10. This is the most retarded egotistical thread ive ever seen
  11. Can influx get his higher up back now?
  12. we were fighting last night so they log more people on than us and get 2 prime players to fight with them too .-. they won cap then pushed us when we were gearing and just ended up killing them but they had to chase us around when we were trying to gear at rebel oof. I mean they pushed us at kav rebel next then we started killing them and they pussied out because they didnt want to lose any ifrits they pulled. soo oof there are also the few gangs that log like 10 people on all the time but they never fight caps or set foot in warzone
  13. Im just saying its not hard to shoot someone out of a quilin and second off no one even really fights cartels anymore on this server i get on all the time and no one wants to fight only gang that does is Plague or astro
  14. Happy Birthday @Sociopathic dude had it marked today that it was your birthday, sad you still aren't here we miss you dude. 

  15. necking myself
  16. Vcx

    Xanx's o7

    As much as I didn't like you, Later have fun with whatever you're going to do at the end of the day you're just another person.
  17. @Hadi Mokdad someone killed 5 rip waaa?!?!?!
  18. I mean first off them unbanning cartel players will just have some cartel players go back, people left asylum because they didn't like how things were being ran and asylum admins don't give a fuck about the servers and that's how its going to be still. People are going to go back and play wait for donations and let the server die just like they did this will not effect Olympus maybe at the slightest effect cartel life but other than that their unbanning a bunch of players Olympus makes do without. This wont change anything and asylum will just let their server quality go to shit and let their servers die like they have before nothing is going to happen at all and Olympus will thrive I dont even play anymore and everyone can agree and see it. Even when asylum was in its prime Olympus was a still a big competitor and as at the top currently.
  19. it reached over 1mill in funds in total and their only releasing a town square oof and you're a bit late im pretty sure most of us know about this but dont care for it
  20. okay dad, ill go back to r6s
  21. Yeah when I got unpermed I came back to shitty driving physics too that's just how it is now
  22. If you have control of star and vendor you get tapped trying to shoot the hatchback pushing And the thing is going 1000mph I do this all the time
  23. You monkeys it is a chrome strider because we snatched it in warzone today so stop bitching and offer him deals
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