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Goldberg last won the day on June 26 2015

Goldberg had the most liked content!


About Goldberg

  • Birthday 10/28/1988

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. all max i get 80 frames on chill times but if shits going down i drop to 50
  2. whats your graphic settings if you have that many frames??? i have i5 8600k 16gb ddr4 and a gtx 1080 my settings are really high but im only getting 50fps vut it looks beautiful =P
  3. lol that guy looks like pippi longstockings thinking hes all bad ass? DONT DO DRUGS!!!
  4. sad to see you go
  5. well i can tell u so much...i make olympus fallen and just made it rise back up i can turn the light off and on i can open a beer AND drink it...sooo yes im god
  6. told u...fixed it
  7. so its down as long the little pill formed colored field stays red? sec please let me grab that marker here real quick.... https://gyazo.com/0727e7a2365e9d74ff62efd831ced68a LETS GO
  8. cant see the freaking stats page
    1. Jorbis


      Most likely coming soon.

    2. DeathDingo


      No more stats? maybe its time to Volfswaffe?


    3. Goldberg


      youre right!!! STATS OR VOLKSWAFFE!!!

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhjAa3q_h-g
  10. thats a dumb way to think tbh...everyone can change and if the admins think he had enough time to change they should give him a chance to proof it
  11. some tasty cars^^
  12. yaya the good old bridge....warfares kryptonite^^
  13. Ulrich Member Since 16 Sep 2014 Community Stats Active Posts 4 sorry who are u again? ive read all your posts and all of them are trash so far
  14. so you have no idea what i am talking about? ill send it to u if ill find it again as a personal message and u do me a favor an watch from 3:40 till u finally saw what i am talking about aight?
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