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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. 8cdfe3d214528a82986104af8c0e6d3d-png.jpg

    getting desperate

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. silton


      @Drippp with that much time its just hard to stomach that youre still losing

    3. Elements


      help a dahmer out man send the download link

    4. Zurph


      thats fake af, i dont like any of you kids why would i help truthy?

  2. silton

    wts sell AT

    Buy mine it's been tested and up to silton standard and selling for cheap HMU
  3. Already done more then @Mr GOAT what a legend
  4. One of the best to ever do it
  5. The incentive is no nlr, unlimited loadouts(assuming you don't get robbed or die in wz) and easy methods of money via seizing and tickets. It's the way it is for a reason and I don't see it changing. If people want to use different equipment they can hop on civ or put in the hours and knee padding to got further in the APD. Also in most the roundtable posts sAPD are just requesting changes that effect Cpl+ and I think its pretty evident that most seniors don't give a fuck about jrAPD
  6. Selling AT offroad 

    Buying 7.62 Sup


    1. CaloomClark


      Hm u looking for AT?

    2. Noahhh!


      I have a 7.62 supp.

    3. Noble


      Damn that AT comp came in quick :^)

  7. boolinson wins again. just can't be stopped

  8. dr boolinson wins again

    1. Mako
    2. Bloodmoon


      I'd hope you could win a 30 man bw.

  9. not as good as maj but nowhere near as bad as deadpool.
  10. Goodbye fellow destroyer of corp t3 @SuWooP ill carry on the mission. o7
  11. I believe the key word was stack. A few cops is not an issue large groups in helis and multiple vehicles is cancer.
  12. ETA on noble accepting the DB war. Cop stacks, owned property and runs clashing are the only issues I can see. Obviously server pop will be better and hopefully we see some gangs merge and have some big gangs like it used to be. But career cops are freaks
  13. Who said they're not fixing money? I need some suggestions SOMTHING ANYTHING Increasing the pot wont change much as it was 100m so any increases would be useless. I believe they're should increase top 3 percentage. Others reckon only top 3 get paid. Please people saying nothing is the reason it wont get changed.
  14. I play with ix I understand I'm not trying to have a go there needs to changes but instead of adding nothing to the situation actually bring something to the table. I ran out of money I made from doing meth runs yesterday and have never been given admin money only DB fund which I helped to make as for the ifrits haha.
  15. How? This obviously isn't the intent just the turn out wasn't expected. Since you are an even coordinator please explain what should be fixed/ changed to allow a better distribution of money.
  16. Someone's horny @DeadPool


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. N7Zero


      that time when @DeadPool sweet talkin on DB nicole and maj told him nicole was a guy and deadpool went SILENT 


    3. dog:)


      ah, the classic dick in a pumpkin trick @Grandma Gary

  17. @Ryan s3 conquest when?

  18. A classic and the beginning of me hating the APD. GOAT camping outside for ages in 2017. hate to see it
  19. hahah you aim like a bag of cement

  20. Your parents paid 30k a year for 13 years just for you to get cpl

    good on ya hero @Truthy

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