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Everything posted by J O E

  1. I can never understand why 20 different people answer these questions...
  2. Your tits are larger than most women...
  3. Olympus truly has fallen...






    For real tho, good job.

  4. Happy Birthday @Hot Pocket





    Your a Donkey!

    1. ItsGG
    2. J O E

      J O E

      you're a retarded Canadian dumb cunt

    3. -dante-



  5. Happy birthday to the main man @Augustus

    You need to stop being a stranger...

  6. Im poor give it to me for free pls
  7. You soft log and get full health back.
  8. Great moonshine house... Ps. I like doing runs across the map too...
  9. The way I see it is you only get corporal if you deserve it, and if you don't deserve it and you get it, I doubt you will last very long as corp
  10. Says the gimp who nodded off in a red zone. Listen to this guy. One of the smartest cops out there...
  11. Leave the poor scot alone. He has like a 0.6 like to post ratio sooo, he has to even it out somehow...
  12. Well it would be slot different if there was stricter gun laws. 

    1. 3 Rip
    2. J O E

      J O E

      When was the last mass shooting in England

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      Bad people are going to do bad things no matter what. Plus there is so many guns in US something like that probably wouldn't work at this point. 

  13. With the first 10 seconds he submitted himself to a life of abuse...
  14. Been quality playing with ya mate. Will never forget the pig squeal laugh Xx
  15. ppretty sure it's only if you was banned within like 200 days
  16. I like em because it's fuck easy to blow shit up with.
  17. J O E

    BW vs. Van

    Can't wait till cops can get these!!!
  18. J O E

    Montage qs

    Whether it was meant to be comedy or not, I got a good laugh out of @Aunt Jemima's montages.
  19. IMO it dont matter who captains are, all the egotistical 14 year olds are gonna throw coz they think they are cool or something, As gay as it sounds an age bracket would work, but then again, there would only be a handful of people who could play.
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