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Everything posted by Piner

  1. @MAV you old cunt! Happy birthday

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Well then @Piner, sad to see another good one go. Good luck with work and the fam.

      PS.  embedded systems are the creation of hell, spooky stuff I tell you. 

    3. Piner


      Thank you @Fake Grandma, I appreciate it.  Yes, work is tough.  But I love it.

    4. MAV


      Piner.... ILU 

  2. Welcome back Basic
  3. Piner

    @MAV, when you coming back my darling?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Fuck yeah! Screw this mav loser. Dumbass Roman Empire era faggot loser. Go back to building pyramids you boomer 

    3. Skorch
    4. Piner


      Who the fuck is @HoesMad ?

  4. Fighting cops was the only fun thing left to do in the server. Did sAPD really go and fuck that up?
  5. Piner


    Bye airman @EWI
  6. I have an AT off-road gathering dust. What are you offering?
  7. Piner

    Are you ready? https://source.android.com/

    I will have my own built ready by the time I get the device.

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Stream it, I would watch 100%

    2. Piner


      I cannot think of anything more boring to stream

  8. Altis life because of no extra mods needed to be downloaded by the client. That said, asylum's modded oz life server was fun for the few months it lasted.
  9. Love you darling
  10. I assume Olympus would host a 128 tic server?
  11. Best deputy I ever saw
  12. Yeah, fuck @MAV... Just fuck that guy
  13. Piner


    1. MAV


      boy, don't make me slap your old ass

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Chill now, don't need to have a senior citizen fight.

  14. Thick, just give them to me
  15. @Nurse Lou wants to play
  16. Can we stop calling them hackers please?  They have the coding skills of a loaf of bread.  Thanks

    1. Skys


      i think script kiddie best fits them

    2. SPBojo


      loaf kiddie

    3. Fake Grandma
  17. @MAV may I have comp from your personal slush fund?
  18. It's a risk vs reward thing. Invariably, civs will lose against APD the longer the fight goes on. Know when to move on after wiping a wave. There is no better mechanism for APD fights than the wave rule.
  19. Will the bank be a member of the FDIC?
  20. I notice no difference between one 1080ti or two. Also, depending on the version of drivers you are running, SLI can make the stability worse.
  21. Oh sorry, my bad. This is server 2.
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