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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. @Strafe Now you reminded me of this XD

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Oh my god i love birds glad i have one. He cant talk though ; - ;

  2. fite me m8
  3. Wait wait wait.... A member of the News Team is actually doing something now??????? Damn, they might actually keep the News team this time. Also, looks good. There a link to a video at all, or just the screenshot?
  4. idk, armor maybe?
  5. No, as the Miranda rights are an American thing, and Altis is in Greece. The closest we could get is something similar, but an Olympus version, but I know it would just be another thing Civs would demand a pardon for if the Deputy forgets it.
  6. Like, can yall have da Kidneys back for the donation goal b4 I smach my pc plz? <3

    @Grandma Gary


  7. Make this month's donation goal Kidneys or no balls  @Poseidon


  8. Doing some Christmas shopping when I found this...


    Double ticket or full pardon plz

  9. Ah, yes, because all an adrenaline shot is good fore is an allergic reaction
  10. any caps?
  11. So I'm a little late for this buuuuutttttttt MERRY BIRTHMAS @Tman15tmb!!!!


  12. You know I respect you Tman, so please dont think I'm just trying to be toxic, but I think we both know it's not a matter of IF it gets abused, but a matter of WHEN. My worry is that if it gets passed, people donated for the perk, then it would be unfair to remove it from everyone, let alone the people who donated a decent amount for it.
  13. Btw, I tetes didnt steal this from another forum
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  14. So this is all a joke right? If not im fuckin gonna punch a kitten, and it will all be your fault


  15. 1. A- You know the "Kavala Space Program" is gonna get the fuck abused out of it. It would be a verrry bad idea to add that for everyone. As of now, some of the people that have karts probably do do it to APD cars (rarely Medic cars) / Cars that are not theirs / etc, but for the most part, I have seep people doing the "Kavala Space Program" to their own vehicles, which I know is still a no-no, but at least they are not hurting others with it. And if it becomes available for everyone, it is going to become an actual problem. Medic vehicles are going to be launched, it's going to be very common to see a lot more vehicles being launched, and tons of people are going to lose their insurance/vehicle because some random that is only gonna play for a week is gonna send everything he can into space. Not to mention, now we have the new way of killing people and not getting a bounty... Some of them will just spam "Set Up Kart" when someone is nearby and try to kill them. And the worst part about this is, there is really no easy way to stop this. Just like most RDMers, they will only be here for a few days before they get bored and leave, then some new random will come and replace them. B- Cmon man, Karts are one of the very few things donors have left. ALL Tron Suit colors and the and the Pink Suit are available to everyone, the Mohawk (which doesnt have any benefit over certain other helicopters) was available to everyone a while ago, etc. The very last ways we get to stand out are the Karts and the Pilot Helmet... 2. Lets not bring politics into Olympus... Everyone has their own beliefs, no need to get it involved in gaming because some people are gonna take it way too far 3. I dont think #3 helps P.S. why did you make this twice??
  16. 1. A- You know the "Kavala Space Program" is gonna get the fuck abused out of it. It would be a verrry bad idea to add that for everyone. As of now, some of the people that have karts probably do do it to APD cars (rarely Medic cars) / Cars that are not theirs / etc, but for the most part, I have seep people doing the "Kavala Space Program" to their own vehicles, which I know is still a no-no, but at least they are not hurting others with it. And if it becomes available for everyone, it is going to become an actual problem. Medic vehicles are going to be launched, it's going to be very common to see a lot more vehicles being launched, and tons of people are going to lose their insurance/vehicle because some random that is only gonna play for a week is gonna send everything he can into space. Not to mention, now we have the new way of killing people and not getting a bounty... Some of them will just spam "Set Up Kart" when someone is nearby and try to kill them. And the worst part about this is, there is really no easy way to stop this. Just like most RDMers, they will only be here for a few days before they get bored and leave, then some new random will come and replace them. B- Cmon man, Karts are one of the very few things donors have left. ALL Tron Suit colors and the and the Pink Suit are available to everyone, the Mohawk (which doesnt have any benefit over certain other helicopters) was available to everyone a while ago, etc. The very last ways we get to stand out are the Karts and the Pilot Helmet... 2. Lets not bring politics into Olympus... Everyone has their own beliefs, no need to get it involved in gaming because some people are gonna take it way too far 3. I dont think #3 helps
  17. Not too old but not really new either (pretty sure its from 2008). Really with this was on Spotify
  18. Not the gun thats bad...
  19. ummm, fuck you, I claimed him first
  20. I think he was just joking
  21. Sorry Not Sorry
  22. I never said shoot from a bench... Im not going to do all the work for you, but I will tell you this. If you dont get a group, use a M900, learn how to fly it, then scan red zones and walk in. I run solo most of the time and I have taken down runs of over $500k with rooks, PDWs, and SDARs before because I don't just run into the building and spray. Another thing, I never said the MXC was OP in general, but if you give it to RDMing Vigis, well guess what, its OP as fuck, as is any gun if they are RDMing... Also, you said "Ballistics are a thing in arma, and I can tell you from experience that 9mm doesn't cut it".... Kinda ignorant to make it sound like you know about Arma ballistics and I dont, dont ya think? Especially when you created a scenario and tried to infer that that scenario was the one I was implying...
  23. Vigis dont need to break the rules, if they did, then why would there be rules in the first place?? Be resourceful, dont sit in the square and expect a $500k bounty to walk up to you and surrender... Get a group, go around to red zones, use a heli.... I don't care what you do, but Vigis arent supposed to be OP, that is why there is the APD. And if being a Vigi gives you better gear than most of the APD, a lot of poeple wont have a reason to join the APD then... Also, yes, some rebels do break rules, but the thing is, not nearly as much... Most rebels that can afford the gear are long(er) term players who have no intention of getting banned. Most Vigis are short term and either do one of two things. 1- Leave the server(got banned / Rage quit / got bored / etc) 2- Become rebels... Since nearly all Vigis are short term, they dont even know there are rules half the time, and the other half they dont think they really matter / know about them. This leads to more often than not, Vigis breaking the rules. So they break the rules a hell of a lot more than rebels. In theory, I think this would be a good idea, but I would be a little worried on the fact that the APD would need to be free / online to get to them. And if the APD are dealing with a Fed / Jail / BW, riperino
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