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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. kk, thought I was going crazy. Other that that it was funny as hell. Love the name of Act 1 too XD
  2. Could just be me but I think the audio was kinda quiet
  3. Haha, thanks, I may or may not have panicked a little bit. We were 15-13 too, so we kinda tied instead of winning because of me XD
  4. Okay guys, were starting it here. Bill Nye, the MOTHAFUCKIN SCIENCE GUY.... Is going to be our next president. Everyone vote Bill Nye 2k16 or no balls
  5. For those of you who want to know how TPF celebrates #@StixComeBack
  6. I aint even mad
  7. ^^^ I would fuckin dump my bank account in for that one. I know they took it out because it was being abused when cops restrained people (admins, I totes never abused that. plz no ban), but maybe make it take longer (30 sec maybe?) and have the civ scream so the cops can stop him. That and/or make it like the removing illegal items when cops are near by. If a cop is within a certain range, make it not possible to take a kidney (not sure how hard that would be to code though)
  8. Guys, Server #1 has been down for a few minutes. I think you know what that means...



  9. lol, I remember seeing this vid way back XD
  10. InB4 Mc, Vx, etc spam the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt out of the Blackwater
  11. lol, how upgraded was that hummingbird? XD
  12. It somewhat worked, somewhat didn't. Sometimes the "tear gas" area would be in a completely different area than the smoke itself. If I remembered correctly, it would be where the smoke grenade bounced off first. This was with the script we tried using in a different server to test things out. I THINK we used the same script, but it could be different. One problem I know was for sure on Olympus was that, if you shoot it into a building (like the top of an office building) It will spawn on the ground floor
  13. lel
  14. We lost the game because of that too
  15. Soooo.... I may or may not have panicked a little. Not my best play....
  16. In case anyone was looking for the intro song
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  18. If you have an issue, please dont fill the forums with your . Please either submit a ban appeal here ---> http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ <--- or talk to the person that submitted it
  19. I wouldnt really call that a great mushroom house...
  21. nope, you totes said this^^^ but in all seriousness, he "blown up" part kinda seems like it is encouraging RVD
  22. encouraging RVD now are we?
  23. Ya know, there is this wonderful think that you can do, where ya can embed the image ya lil shits!!
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