Vigis dont need to break the rules, if they did, then why would there be rules in the first place??
Be resourceful, dont sit in the square and expect a $500k bounty to walk up to you and surrender... Get a group, go around to red zones, use a heli.... I don't care what you do, but Vigis arent supposed to be OP, that is why there is the APD. And if being a Vigi gives you better gear than most of the APD, a lot of poeple wont have a reason to join the APD then...
Also, yes, some rebels do break rules, but the thing is, not nearly as much... Most rebels that can afford the gear are long(er) term players who have no intention of getting banned. Most Vigis are short term and either do one of two things. 1- Leave the server(got banned / Rage quit / got bored / etc) 2- Become rebels... Since nearly all Vigis are short term, they dont even know there are rules half the time, and the other half they dont think they really matter / know about them. This leads to more often than not, Vigis breaking the rules. So they break the rules a hell of a lot more than rebels.
In theory, I think this would be a good idea, but I would be a little worried on the fact that the APD would need to be free / online to get to them. And if the APD are dealing with a Fed / Jail / BW, riperino